
Thursday, November 29, 2012

New starts

 I am really into these little table top size wall hangings.  I think it is the variety, and chance to try different projects.  I have two underway.
   The first one will be for Spring.  A cute little arrangement of fused pieces.  I think I will do a little trapunto work on the bird and the birdhouse.

  But look at this one!  I was fortunate to get a chance at this pattern from  the Landscape Lady .  I have only gotten it fused so far, but want to get it finished  first.  The original pattern was wider than long, and I had to make a few adjustments to create the size I needed.   So a little play time and I figured out this layout.  It will be great for a Winter table topper.
  Looks like I will doing the zig-zag dance for a while here.  Happy stitching.


  1. Oh, I like both of them, but I really like the bird in the winter one, lots of details. Enjoy your zig zag dance it looks like lots of fun.

  2. I love birds for those toppers and these two are great - enjoy your 'thread magic' with bothe of them.

  3. Hey Debbie, Love both of these projects. See you soon at guild.

  4. That little bird with the pine bow is just beautiful. What a lovely winter greeting!

  5. Hi, Debbie. These are really cute. That smaller format is so nice to work in, as I'm too discovering with my sketchbook pages. I will refer back to your swirls quilting challenge in the previous post, as I have to do some swirls, but by hand. Thanks!
    And thanks for commenting on my blog. Have a happy holiday season!
    best, nadia

  6. Those are so precious & fun to look at. That little spring bird will look great done in trapunto----fat & happy! That little Carolina Chickadee is so pretty. He looks just like the ones I have in my back yard all the time. Backyard birdwatching is the greatest!


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