
Monday, December 3, 2012

For the birds

  A couple of really cute items came my way from my an early birthday.    One was the decorative birdhouse with the beautiful glass knob for the perch.  It is covered with all kinds of seed packet graphics!  I just love it.  So colorful and unique.  This is going into my sewing room for sure.

   On the left in the photo is a cage filled with nesting material for the birds!  I thought this was so creative.  The  cage is a type of feeder that usually holds a seed  and berry cake for birds. Instead, here it is filled with wool bits and ends that are too small for spinning.  Now  the birds can pick and pull out what they need to build their nests.    And I can add to it by saving bits of thread and tiny bits of batting, etc.  A way of recycling for the birds!   What I like to call "waste not".    Thank you, Deana, these two are just perfect for me.

   I had a great visit with my brother this weekend, and tomorrow we are heading for Charlotte for the day.  There's a stop at Mary Jo's planned for me---read fabric into that--- before we unload the furniture at Deana's that we have had in storage for her.   She leaves for the north on Friday....  :(   Yes, sad, but happy for them.  Happy stitching.  


  1. There is no place like Maryjo's, have fun.

  2. What lovely gifts. Have a great trip, despite the underlying sadness. Thinking of you (especially as I knit!)

  3. Delightful birdhouse! So cute.
    And what a fun way to help the birds build their nests. I would be able to empty my hairbrush and fill that every couple of days! : )
    Oh, I hear about Mary Jo's, but I've never seen it. Can you take pictures?

  4. Was that your brother from down here? I love the gifts and the idea of adding scraps to the pile, you may have beautiful bird nests all around you. As I sew and sew you've been on my mind, I hope you treat yourself to some pretties when you shop, I though Mary Jo was a person, now I think it's a shop?

  5. I absolutely love bird houses. That one is adorable. And I like that idea for the nesting material. I have one of those feeders, not in use. And I've tried saving nesting material before without really knowing what to do with it. Now I've solved two problems, thanks to you!

  6. Such unique gifts. How thoughtful your daughter is.

  7. That bird house is absolutely darling. What a sweet, sweet daughter you have & so very creative. Who would have ever thought to put nesting material in a suet cage? NOT ME!


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