
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What is Mary Jo's?

What is Mary Jo's?  A sewer's / quilter's smorgasbord  featuring fabric, fabric,  and more fabric!  Imagine a fabric store the size of a large grocery store, and you will get the idea of what awaits inside these doors.   The store is just off the Interstate 85 in Gastonia, North Carolina.....about 10 miles from Charlotte.  
   I thought I would share my visit with those of you who asked for photos and info.

 One side is all cotton and a quilter's heaven, while the rest of the store is bridal, dress, and home dec fabrics.   I won't even admit to how many hours and trips we made to MJ's for Deana's senior collections when she was in design school.  Just believe me, we all know the store very well!   Sir Old Man is well versed in carrying bolts of fabric to the cutting tables.

 Just one of the rows of batik fabrics.  I think I counted 3 aisles this time of Batiks only!

   Now I wonder why I noticed this aisle of black and white prints?
  You can find whole sections devoted to specific colors, like purple, and turquoise, and red, and get the idea!
Prints....florals this time.  But there are rows of reproduction fabrics, civil war prints, novelty prints, fruits, landscape, and on and on. 
   Our guild use to give an annual "Mary Jo's Shock Award" to the first time quilter who ventured into this store totally unaware of what to expect.  I have seen people wander around in a daze with no idea where to begin.  So go prepared with a shopping list!

   So what did I find?   From the scrap bin, I found a few batik ends for 75 cents and $1.50.  Could not resist them.    Considering that my main excuse for shopping was to pick up some muslin,  I really expanded my list once I got inside.  

   This is the rest of my pretties......3 yards of the Hoffman print from the clearance section, some purple, turquoise, and black and white and a strong dash of deep red.   I know I am coming late to the party for Bonnie's  mystery quilt.....but I think I may dive in now!

   And that's the Mary Jo's experience you should have at least once.  Let me know if you are in the area and I would love to meet you there.   Happy stitching!


  1. Thanks for the virtual visit, Debbie. I have heard reference to Mary Jo's so many times, but have never "seen" it until now. Talk about system overload! An unsuspecting visitor could get a migraine trying to take it all in!

  2. I would be one who wouldn't know where to start....but if I spotted the scrap bin, I would start there. ;-)

  3. Fabric Depot in Portland OR is like that. I went once with Chrissy, and it was wonderful.

  4. OH WOW!!!! I think maybe I will have to detour through NC next time I head north. Or next time my dad and girlfriend are visiting family, maybe swing by too. I am going to start saving pennies......wait quarters at least starting now. Might have to move it up to dollars though. WOW. I will bring the truck as well.

  5. Temptation! I did not need to see these right this minute... I'm on a "no fabric purchases" hold right now.... however, methinks I need to arrange a trip to Gastonia in the near future! Road trip!!!

  6. Mary Jo's - what a great place to shop!!!

  7. Sounds like a great place to visit!

    My DD and I went to a yarn mill shop in 2008. It wasn't very big, about the size of a two-car garage, and we were overwhelmed by the choices! Fortunately, we were staying In that town overnight so we could look around on Day1, go "home" and discuss our options on go back for the buying session the following day!

  8. Oh my, another place on my bucket list.

  9. Debbie,
    LOL! Love that place and Roger too is great at carrying bolts to the cutting table. He usually knows how much I get of each, but still says "you want how many yards of this?" hehe. Glad it was a productive trip.

  10. Oh my, I could get lost in a store like that for days before anyone found me. That's just mind boggling to know that such a place even exists. I've never seen anything even close to that store. It sure makes me wish I lived in North Carolina...YIKES, can you believe a Texan just said that? :)

  11. Absolutely overwhelming! I don't think I could gather my wits in a place like this!
    best, nadia

  12. Mary Jo's is Nirvana. You just have to breath slowly, and pick a place to start. :^)


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