
Friday, December 7, 2012

What to do with 5" squares

    Somewhere along the way I ran across this handy chart  from the Moda Bake Shop  with ideas on using 5" squares.  Since I have a large stash / box of 5 " squares, it seemed like a good time to put them to use.
   A few years ago I designed a simple quilt in EQ5 that used hsts and 4 patch units.  And these 5 " squares will work perfectly for this quilt.  It is totally scrappy---anything goes---and the size will just depend on the number of blocks I can get out of the scrap squares.   It is also a  quilt that relies on placement by  value, using mainly dark and light value fabrics.  A few mediums will work themselves in for some variety, of course.
  Waste not and a new FO for next year.....I'm already breaking my own rules because I plan on starting Bonnie's mystery quilt too.  Help!  Happy stitching.


  1. I have one of those charts saved too - gave one to my daughter, also - she uses it a lot for quick baby quilts. Have fun - rules were made to be broken.

  2. I too have a plan for my box/stash of squares. I have mostly 5 inch squares but there are some that are a bit larger. I was thinking of pairing them up with another square of one colour and cutting them into half square triangles. Nothing unique but one can do so much with the settings.

  3. Thanks for the link to the chart. That will come in handy!
    *LOL* I don't do mysteries, but last year when Orca Bay was revealed I was smitten. I had to make it! Now I am watching Easy Street, knowing after the reveal I will pull fabric and hop on board--but I still won't do it while it is a mystery (don't have time during the holidays anyway). But I will admit I am itching to start cutting. I've printed and saved all of the clues so far.

  4. Thanks for the chart. I remembered seeing it earlier, but had forgotten about it.
    I don't usually do mystery quilts, but I'm currently doing a Row Along and Easy Street. Two. And I'm pretty excited about both. I went to a Bonnie Hunter Trunk Show and saw her Orca Bay quilt and it was beautiful. So I had to jump on board for Easy Street.

  5. My plan for next year is to work through the WiPs/UFOs but I'm sure I'll be starting a few new projects too!

  6. Enjoy your new projects! It looks like you have two good ones to get started on.

  7. They will be wonderful.Have fun sewing them!


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