
Monday, November 26, 2012

Road Trip to.....

   It was  Road Trip day  to a very secret, very hidden, very special Santa Toy Shop.   This small cabin tucked away in the mountains is actually the original toy distribution point for The Country Santa, and where  all the helper elves work hard every year.   Toys from all over the upstate area of South Carolina, and North Carolina arrive here and are sorted  by age groups, and placed on shelves for Christmas delivery.
The Country Santa began over 30 years ago to provide toys at Christmas to kids. This organization  will cover at least 5 counties in the region of the Blue Ridge mountains, meeting needs where ever they can.
   This Santa believes ........
Children don't understand that life is hard and sometimes there just isn't enough for Christmas presents. A child believes that Santa will find them Christmas morning.

And Santa will be bringing  doll quilts this year, too....the doll quilts of Get Your Mrs. Claus On will be part of that.   Doll quilts from Mrs. Claus all over the country.  It would not be possible without the help of all of the Mrs. Clauses who have stepped up to be part of this project.  Thank you.
    Oh, yes,  Rudy went along to ensure the doll quilts were delivered safely.      Notice the signs...."Toy Loading Zone".

    It was a whirlwind of activity when we opened the door, as a group of elementary students were helping Santa that day.  Each had a list of children  for whom to select toys and each carried a very large bag to fill.  This Mrs. Claus had the privilege of helping  one of the students----and promised to hide her identity.  
   One of the older elves commented, "Christmas happens here."   After viewing and visiting, I knew what he meant.  Christmas begins in the heart and becomes that outward expression.  You could see it on the children's faces as they were Santa's elves for a day.    Priceless.


  1. How wonderful... I love that kids were helping stuff the bags... learning the true meaning of Christmas young!

  2. Thanks for giving us a peek into Santa's secret workshop. And thanks for letting us be a part of this!

  3. What a wonderful post! Thanks for sharing a peek at the hidden shop.

  4. Oh, it's a rare thing to be able to see Santa's Secret Workshop & to hear about some of the things that secretly go on inside there. It looks like Rudy was on his toes & took special care of the doll quilts. I love seeing the young elementary school kids getting involved in giving their precious time for less fortunate children. Thanks for this pulls at my heart strings & makes me thankful for people helping people.

  5. Lovely post - how fun to see where all the quilts and toys are gathered - and truly marvelous that youngsters are helping to fill needs.

  6. It's wonderful! I was top elf then Santa herself for a lot of years in a Charity like that, we didn't have a secret cabin though, each year was somewhere different wherever someone would donate some space. The ripple of what you're doing goes on for years and touches so many people the children, their parents and everyone involved. The children helping will probably carry charity in their hearts forever. Hugs to all of you.


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