
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Wonders of Color bound.

   No shopping here.  Instead I got the binding put on the color study wall hanging made from the 2 1/2" squares.  Here is the beginning of this project.   I purchased a packet of squares from Wanda at Exuberant Color  this summer to get me started on this one.  I added lots of squares from my stash and this one finished up at 34" by 50".

  I debated on the quilting for a while.  With so many prints and patterns in the fabrics, any quilting pattern I used, like swirls or stippling, would just be lost.  In the end, I decided to use simple straight lines.  I like the texture the lines created.
   I used multiple fabrics for the binding.....making sure they were all in the darker to mid tone in value.  Since one side--the right--is a bit lighter overall in value, I began there with a mid tone value and progressed to the dark value.
   Sir Old Man likes this one a lot and has claimed it for the office.....after I get the sleeve stitched down.
   Thank you, Wanda, for sharing your knowledge and fabrics, and spreading the love of color with us.

   Don't forget the visit and enter the The Christmas Quilt Show  at Quilting Tutorials.  Some great quilts and inspiration to be seen.
Happy stitching.


  1. Breathtaking! I just love this one! You work magic with your fabrics. No wonder it got claimed right away:)

  2. Hi, Debbie. Stunning piece and your straight line quilting is perfect--it enhances the piece without getting in the way.
    best, nadia

  3. That's another beauty, Debbie. I can see why Sir Old Man spoke up for it so soon. I agree with Nadia that the straight line quilting was perfect for it. You would be the perfect person to give classes on colorwash quilts and free motion quilting for quilt shops & retreats.

  4. What a compliment! It is, indeed, lovely!

  5. This turned out beautifully. Did you vary the thread color in the quilting?

  6. This really glows, Debbie! You are a true artist. The straight line quilting is something that would never have occurred to me, but I think it is a perfect fit!

  7. Your color study really glows. Nice quilting too.

  8. Beautiful... no wonder Sir Old Man claimed it! I would have too... :)

  9. I really love this one, Sir Old Man has good taste. The intense colors make this one really pop, I still like the subtle glow from the softer ones, but this one really shouts.

  10. This is lovely! To have Wanda's stamp of approval is icing on the cake!

  11. Congratulations - I'm so glad I followed Wanda's link to see your colorwash finish. GREAT job!

  12. I hope Sir Old Man will let you take this back to enter into some quilt shows - this is spectacular, a study of color yes, but also a study of how a simple quilting plan can sometimes be key to the final success of the project! I love it!

  13. I can definitely understand why Sir Old Man claimed this quilt. It has a wonderful glow. I think your quilting choice was perfect.

  14. ABSOLUTELY SENSATIONAL ! Design and quilted to perfection. You have inspired me to get my kits from Wanda out of their zip lock bags and get to work.

  15. What an absolutely beautiful job you've done! It is just gorgeous. I don't blame him for claiming it. Wanda is my inspiration and greatest source of help and encouragement. She is a wonder!

  16. It's gorgeous! I think the quilting was inspired -- it really works beautifully.

  17. AWESOME! I love this one, too. A piece of art. I totally agree with your choice of quilting it with straight lines!!!!


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