
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Endless feathers and new challenge

    I dropped in to check out what The Nifty Stitcher  had been doing lately.  And once again her stitching blew me away.  She had a sample of a curling /swirling feather that was so fabulous.  Rhianon  has a link to a Russian gal who is doing this technique.  Of course, I was mesmerized by the videos....that I watched them twice and then again!  How did she do that?  She doesn't mark anything?  Just off she goes.  I had to try at least.  Paper practice first...lots of pages filled with feathers of a sort.  Then to the machine.

  I used polyester batting and 2 pieces of white muslin to practice on.  This is the first feathers look a lot more angular than they should.  I haven't figured out the way to make them curl around each other.  I am hoping to coax/ beg/ plead / entice Rhianon  at the Nifty Stitcher to pass on some guiding advice on achieving that.
    So check out the link.....really beautiful feathers.

 Notice the new button.....2013  The Year of the Never Too Hot To Stitch!
Finished Project.   Lynne at Never to hot to stitch is organizing a monthly linky party to motivate us to finish up those projects hidden away, or stacked in the corner.  Please click over and check it out.   No rules, but do set your own guidelines.   Lynne's idea for herself is to finish 2 projects before she can start another.  That should help her clear out those UFOs.
   My own general guide lines  will still apply to me---or kind of apply---one project  to be quilted, one being sewn, and one in the planning stage.  Eek...right now I have two I am sewing and 2 being planned.   Already I am breaking my own rules and playing around with feathers.   Of course, the small projects that pop up on the horizon  and fill in some space and time, do not have to play by my guidelines.  Just so you know.
This may prove to be a very dangerous new year.    Happy stitching.  


  1. Perfect, I too have decided 2013 is the year to finish and get caught up, but I also joined the NewFO challenge too. My rule is the same as Lynne's finish at least 2 before starting a new one.

  2. Oooooo, I had to call everyone to have a look at my button on your blog post! How exciting! Thank you!

    I'm sitting on the floor in the living room, it's too hot to sit on the lounge -- it's 95* outside and we've just got home from church (after socializing then stopping off for lunch)! Everyone stood around me but DD was the only one who really understood and was suitably impressed!

  3. I think you did a beautiful job. Oh, I have only 2 UFOs left and I hope to knock them off by Jan. A year of minis really kept me on track in 'finishing'.

  4. I think your feathers look incredible Debbie! Great job--you inspire me.

  5. Your machine quilting is so pretty! Thanks for the links to these two sites as well.


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