
Monday, December 24, 2012

Catching up

    Step 5 of the Easy Street mystery.....I have some power sewing to do this afternoon on these, and I will be caught up.  Bonnie says no more geese, but I think these still qualify because of the 2" corners.  We must be nearing the end and almost ready to join the units together.

  Good news from the Nifty Stitcher....she will be doing posts after the holidays  to help understand the endless feathers that curls around.  Thank you, I am excited about this.  I want to do a skinny bed runner quilt that is just quilted with these feathers....a NewFO.

  We were given this tin of cookies.  Now mind you, they are not the ordinary tin of cookies like I expected.  After one bite, I knew they were a special toffee cookie treat.  I checked on line to see where I could get more....whoa!  $$$  I was sure surprised.  But they are so good.  And I love the egg shaped tin as well as the color.  A keeper here.


 Merry Christmas to all.  And happy stitching.  


  1. I wish you and Sir Old Man a happy and holy Christmas full of love, joy and peace (and stitching time).

  2. Lovely goodies---Merry Christmas from our house to yours.

  3. Merry Christmas to your beautiful family. Thank you for all the encouragement you have given me this year.

  4. I look forward to the instruction on feathers. That is my FMQ goal for the new year--to get comfortable with feather. There is a lot of practicing ahead!!
    Looks like a delicious tin of yumminess! : ) I love Cadbury.

  5. Merry Christmas to you, too! (says the "silent one"....but I'm still here! LOL)


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