
Thursday, December 27, 2012


  Sunny and bright today!  I am so tired of the overcast sky, so when the golden rays of light appeared this morning I came awake immediately.  I am ready to finish boxing up the seasonal decor and get back to a routine.
  First I  need get my toes warm, so I will be donning my new socks from Deana.  Beautiful blue and so the stitch pattern she used for them.    And the hang tag is so perfectly me!

  Update to photo storage on Picasa web-----Have you checked your web album lately?  There was an upgrade to free storage.  It is now 5 GB instead of 1 GB.  So we all should be in good standing for a while.  Maybe they added storage space since we figured out how to reduce our photo size?

   I am playing around with the bargello idea on EQ7 today to get the upward curve I am wanting.  Once I have the design worked out, I will start pulling fabrics and coloring in my layout.  Happy stitching.  


  1. Thanks for the heads up on the storage increase. Now I can go back to photos that will enlarge more when clicked on.

  2. I can't ever bring myself to take down Christmas until after New Year's Day.
    Those are very comfy looking socks!

  3. So glad you got somke sun shine!!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  4. Niiiice Socks!
    Glad they gave us more storage space... I didn't do anything to get it. Maybe they thought we wouldn't buy any anyway. I was looking for a way around that.
    Happy New Year.

  5. The socks are lovely!

    My Christmas decorations traditionally stay up till 6 January (twelfth day of Christmas). Hey, we haven't even had Christmas yet, the family will gather tomorrow (29th)!

    I went to Picasa to check out how I was going. I discovered that since I'd started using Windows Live Writer, Picasa was storing two copies of my photo, the original one and and a smaller one that was actually used on my blog! I have spent some time deleting the larger photos but it is time consuming! Thanks for the update about the upgrade -- people can stop worrying now!

  6. ahhhhh, more space! :) That is great news!!! Thanks for sharing, now if I can only find my camera.......

  7. More storage space from Picasa - How timely! Maybe they read your post on how to reduce file size and realized nobody was going to pay for storage:) Lovely socks!

  8. Oh my how I love those beautiful blue socks that Deana made for you. They look so comfortable. I wish I had learned how to knit in my younger days because you can do sooooo many things with two needles & a ball of yarn. She's such a talented young lady.

  9. The sun finally came out here today too - yippee! And not only that but we got electricity after four days without. :) blessings, marlene


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