
Thursday, December 20, 2012

FMQ Challenge for December

   This is the final month for the FMQ Challenge at SewCalGal.  The finale....the finish....I did not quit....I persevered!  Thanks to Patsy Thompson for this one.

    Since I did not have a project with lots of borders that she suggested, I improvised an art project that was unfinished and destined for the trash can.   I thought it was an "ugly"  effort, and put it aside.  Today I added a couple of border strips to the 2 sides.  And off I went.

   When I found the dark purple with the linear graphic, I thought it was perfect for her border quilting idea.   It actually gave me spacing and lines to follow.  And that gave me the idea to use the technique in the background of the center  from another month's tutorial.....the organic quilting of following the fabric motif .  The background fabric was a wipe up cloth from sun painting fabric last year.  I just defined each color area with stitching.

 For the large outer border, I thought I would do multiple rows to simulate multiple borders---wavy curls with semi-straight lines between them.  I like the effect.  In fact I like this ugly now, and will find a binding for it.  It will be a good reminder to think out side my usual box.

Confession time, I wanted to just let this challenge  go several times, and not complete any part of certain month's tutorial.  Sometimes it was too hard, or appeared to be, other times I just did not think I was interested in the technique.  But every lesson offered a tidbit, that one small hint, a tiny jewel of advice that was worth the effort.   I will never be a super, hyper quilter because that is not my style or preference.  Yet, I learned loads of technique and gained much needed experience for the effort.    Big thank you to SewCalGal and all our outstanding has been a good /great / wonderful year!

Happy stitching.


  1. Good for you! It is a lovely piece - not ugly at all. It was waiting to shine.

  2. I think this is a pretty little piece, Debbie. You are always so on top of the monthly challenge. I think I have had similar feelings about it. Almost dropped out a few times. Didn't always want to do certain challenges, but I am always glad when I complete them. And I always do learn something useful.

  3. That piece turned out really nicely!

  4. I love this piece! What you did to rescue it was totally perfect! So glad you didn't throw it away, some inner voice must have been whispering 'remember the ugly duckling, there's a beautiful swan in here too.'


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