
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

For 2013

Update.....All the hankies are in the mail!  And that was an experience to be sure....I mean jumping through hoops to mail brown envelopes????   The post office worker had to feel each envelope and ask about the contents.  How do you explain "giveaway  for my  blog readers and friends" to someone who has no idea what a blog is?  Or what a "hankies to make into mug rugs" means?  We really do speak a different language in the blog world I guess.  Personally I think I prefer it to some of the real stuff happening.

Yep, making plans for the new year.  The 2013 New FO  is over at Cat Patches.  She is such an enabler.  She "enables" me to buy more fabric, more thread, and make more of everything.  My New FO list has begun but I am also including some items to be finished in the new year.  

   First up  is the guild challenge for 2013, Lemons to Lemonade.  I was given a half yard of "ugly" fabric to use in a quilt or quilted project.  Luckily, mine is not really that ugly, but it is very dated!  It is a calico from the 80's.  The easy way would be to use it in a watercolor, but for me that is not a challenge.  I am thinking of hiding it in plain sight by adding a lot more fabrics.   
   Two ideas that are in the planning stage for 2013, are another bargello quilt and a vertical strip quilt with applique.  So the challenge will probably be one or the other.  I need a bit more thinking time on this, yet I need to get it started.     

   Doll quilts from gifted fabrics......I  managed  to get  5  doll quilts cut out with backing!  They are stacked up and ready to work on during the year.

To Be Finished:
  Finish up the small hanging for the table top stand.  And make at least 2 more for Summer and Fall.  
  Complete the Easy Street mystery.
  Finish the shaded 4 patch scrap quilt.
  Finish the quilt for Habitat for Humanity that was on the design wall!

So that's my plan, just don't hold me to it!   I am sure there will be more starts to add as the inspiration hits.
 I am linking this to the New FO Challenge at Cat Patches.   Happy stitching. 


  1. Perfect projects! Looking forward to seeing these come to life. If you like doll quilts, maybe you'd like to join our monthly swap? Http://

  2. Sounds like a plan. Love the kitties in baskets! Sweet.

  3. Loo, making plans for 2013 already! How organized! I can barely think beyond this month! Well, that's not entirely true -- I intend 2013 to be the year of the FO, some things (both sewn and knitted) have been hanging around here for far too long!

  4. Ahhh, a bunch of plain brown envelopes, suspicious indeed, I'm so glad you didn't tell her it was known of her business, LOL. Next year?! I just want to get through another day, you and Barbara are leaving me in awe.


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