
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Recycle them, please

   While cleaning out Deana's sewing room in preparation for her move, she found a bag of machine embroidered hankies, pink and yellow.  These are not old ones, but still too pretty to discard.
   I can't remember where I saw this idea to turn them into mug rugs.  The fabric is quite thin so I folded them in half and cut off the corner embroidery in a square about 5 1/2".  I added strips around the sides to coordinate with the embroidery.

   And now a nice pair of mug rugs and I know just to person to send these to.   Of course,  these could be used in a wall hanging instead, or even a baby quilt, or tote bag.
  I have about a dozen or so of these to the takers.  No, the cup is not included.  Just a gift from me to you.    Send an email with your address for mailing, and note the color or colors you want.
Happy stitching.
Update:   Thank you all for replying and  wanting to recycle!  All the hankies are spoken for and will be in the mail today.


  1. Great idea. They're adorable with your pretty cups.

  2. Great idea and beautiful mug rugs!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  3. I would love pink and or purple. Contact me for snail mail.

  4. How clever is that!!! I love pink!

  5. Awesome idea! My eyes are going to be on the lookout for hankies at the thriftshops from now on for sure! Ideal gifts!!!

  6. Very beautiful idea.
    Merry Christmas Debbie.

  7. Beautiful and what a great idea!

  8. Wow love this. You know I love pink.....and you know where I'm at. Merry Christmas to you Russ


I enjoy comments and will reply if your email is linked! Otherwise, use my email in side bar for answers!