
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Gifts from the Queen of pickers

   I hereby bestow the title of 
"Queen of the Pickers" 
to my dear friend, Doreen. 
   I won't declare our ages, but know we have been friends since we were 18, and don't ask how long ago that was.  She loves to hit the yard sales, estate sales, and antique malls.  I remember one time we actually stuffed a large braid rug into the back of her small sports car.....OK, it hung out the back a bit, but we got it home.
   She loves to hunt down little things to send me for my antique sewing collection.  She did really good this time.  I love the tiny oil can, it is just so cute!  There was a cute tin of mother of pearl buttons, and an advertising needle set.  Another darling  box was filled with spools of ribbon, candles, magnetic picture frames and notepad.
   And fabric.....about 4 yards of adorable prints that will be perfect for doll quilts.  The one on the left is actually a pre-printed panel for a pillow.  The kittens  in the baskets just need to be a doll quilt.

  And there were some scraps--large pieces--of oriental fabric that I think is begging to be a tote bag.  Add that to the list for next year.

And at the very bottom of the box was a T-shirt.  Not just any tee, but one that made me giggle.  I mean who doesn't love Snoopy!    I know what I will be wearing this season.

  May your days be merry....thanks, girl, I love it all!
Happy stitching.  


  1. Looks like Christmas arrived early at your house! What a bunch of great find from your dear friend!

  2. Lovely treasures your friend bestowed upon you!

  3. What a wonderful gift - a veritable treasure trove!

  4. Now that was a fun package! I hope you will share of photo of you modeling your fun holiday tee! : )

  5. What wonderful things and how neat that she gave them to you!! Have fun with everything!

  6. Ah, isn't it nice to have a friend like that? She really did great with the treasures for you. A good friend always thinks of you before she thinks of herself & your dear friend is a real keeper. I love th Snoopy T-shirt & those precious fabrics for doll quilts. Have a merry day today!


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