
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Welcome the Carolina Chickadee

Update to this post:   Can I just tell you how boring it is to sew "wings" on to triangles and squares!  I'm stitching on the Easy Street mystery quilt.  I am so very, very glad I decided to do half the number of blocks. So far, so good, I am on to step 3.

   I mentioned I was working on a  chickadee pattern I got from  Carol at The Landscape Lady .  She does beautiful art quilts and designs patterns for Craftsy.  Her original pattern was wider than long, which I loved, but it did not work for the wire hanger I have.  So, I did a little switching around and made mine longer.    This is basic fused applique with an extra layer of batting behind the chickadee and the pine cone for a little trapunto effect.   Carolina chickadee banner is 13" by 16".  A great winter welcome!
Happy stitching.   


  1. What a beautiful piece of art, Deb!
    Thank you for sharing.

  2. I love everything about this piece and your quilting is perfect.

  3. Your piece is really beautiful! I love the little pinecone, have fun with Easy Street too!

  4. I love your wall hanging, you did a beautiful job on it! Love the gorgeous blue background.

  5. Very pretty piece, Debbie.
    (I always read where people say repetitive, mindless sewing is so soothing. I'm with you--I find it boring and I have to break it up with other, more interesting tasks. But we won't tell anyone, okay?)

  6. Your chickadee banner turned out so very, very cute. I like the touch of color in the side borders. That's another unique way to make borders. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Love it! But I don't think he should replace Rudy until after the holidays, can you tell who my favorite is?


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