
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

About time I say

  I have been hiding away in the sewing room for the last week.  It's my therapy, and place to de-stress, and regain my focus.  Nothing like making a mess, and threads flying to put things into perspective, is there?

  February's NewFO  is now a February Finish!    I started the travel duffle bag and then got sidetracked for a couple of weeks.  This week I got back to it and decided to finish it up.
Zipper in, pull tabs attached, and the end pockets added.....lot of bulk, but I managed to get it done.

   This bag is big....I have it stuffed with 3 large lap quilts, and a travel pillow in this photo.   The bag finishes up at 21" by 12" by 12"---that's a good size bag.
   I love the  bag color, and all the feathers floating on this.  Now, I just need some travel stickers of my own.  Of course, I could just use it for fabric purchases when traveling.....!!

From Mrs. Claus-- my alter ego:
    Two small doll quilts from the fabrics that Doreen picked up for me completed.  One is a pre-printed panel and the other has appliques from a partial border piece of the same panel.  I have 2 more to put together for March.

Easy street mystery is quilted and ready for binding.  I met --and passed---my goal for February, which was to get the borders on it.  I also got the label made.  Because of the yellow (overwhelming) fabrics,  I am calling this one....Walking in Sunshine.   Nope, no photo yet until it is bound.  That is on March's list.

   So, I needed  a real NewFO for February.    And I also, feel a need to work with some floral fabrics.  I pulled out an older book, and found this.  It's easy---actually mindless sewing--- and will use up a lot of those extra floral strips that I have stacked up.
   Rectangle blocks, some vertical strips and others horizontal strips,  that are 10" by 6" are put together by value.  My strips are already cut at 2", but a mixture of strip widths could be used.
Right now, I am working on the horizontal strip blocks---about 7 or 8 done.  I have no idea how big it will be.....but I need to make a dent in my stash of floral fabrics.

Voting is going on for  Project Quilting.   This is week 4 entries.  
If it seems a bit quiet around can find me in the sewing room.   Happy stitching.


  1. Your travel bag is wonderful! What a great place to use the continuous feathers quilting motif. This has to go on my 'to do' list before summer. Looking forward to seeing your version of Easy Street completed.

  2. I love the duffle bag - oh I can only imagine that bulk in the seams! Your strip sets are so pretty, with your quilting it will really be a beautiful piece.

  3. The bag looks great, Debbie! That will come in handy quite often, I'm sure.
    Cute little Mrs. Claus offerings.

  4. What fun projects, but I must confess I'm jealous - love your travel bag. Truly beautiful. Fun design, great fabrics, beautiful quilting. You did a great job. Love it!


  5. I laughed when I saw your post. I'm almost sitting on my bags ready to go to the airport and I'm wishing I had that duffle bag! Love the feathers! Cute Mrs. Claus quilt.

  6. I love the travel duffel bag! Great job...and so useful!

  7. What a great bag. I think I need to make something like that for myself. I love your quilt label too. I kind of fell down on making labels for my quilts unless they go out the door. Then they are all labeled. Thanks for linking up today.

  8. Love the bag. Where do I find the pattern (please)?

  9. Hey, Debbie - that's a really nice travel duffle!

  10. Love your travel bag. Now you just need a place to go.

  11. Wow,your travel bag is just awesome.I need to make one!

  12. Love your travel bag. Beautiful projects.

  13. Oh my goodness, you have been busy, busy, busy. I abosolutely LOVE that duffle bag. It turned out really pretty & I love the colors & feathers all over it. You did a fantastic job on it but it did sound like a lot of work so I may re-consider making them for the gals in the office for Christmas next year (or maybe find a simple, smaller pattern).

    Doreen did a fantastic job on picking out the fabrics for the cute doll quilts. I can see the children smiling when they see them.

    Your sunshine quilt sounds bright & cheery & the floral strips are looking good together.

    Thank for keeping us inspired by all your projects.

  14. I like your idea of filling your bag with fabric purchases...maybe you should have made it a little bigger for that purpose! You got my vote.

  15. I figured that's what you were doing, actually I thought you were baking :)
    Love, love, love the duffle, it's a great size and so pretty. The mindless sewing is going to look beautiful with the fabrics you're using and it won't look mindless when it's done.

  16. Love your duffle bag, Deb! Goodness, you have been busy.
    I finished a pink and purple Mrs. Clause doll quilt. Sorry to say, I misplaced your address and need it again.

  17. LOVE that bag! I am a bag-a-holic, so it almost goes without saying that I love it! LOL It's really fabulous! I am impressed with all of your other projects as well. Sometimes, you just need a "mindless" project to do!

  18. What a great travel bag and so cool that you started and finished it in February. The "official" NewFo is also really cute. You have been busy!


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