
Friday, February 22, 2013

At week's end...

   It has been a very long week.  I think it is because we missed last weekend ----no rest and all that painting in Charlotte instead.     
    I got an update on the travel with the Furkins and move in. Logan, the big furball, is loving the new house and all the nooks and crannies to explore.  
Songo, the princess cat, traveled well and found herself  a safe zone in the basement.  Nick, the retired champion Whippet,  loves the snow right now and is running circles around the yard.  Phoebe, the alpha personality Jack Russell, is in true form as she has already discovered how to get through/around/under the fence!  But what about Lucy, I asked.  Lucy, the blue eyed rescued hound and my digger of holes, is afraid of the stairs in the house.  She has to be coaxed down or up them.  She's been a part of the family for 5 years, but still she carries such awful "scars and fears" from her early years.  But she's a tough me and that's why I love her....she will be fine.   Moving Day was hard work as you can see.   Oh, yeah, the two 2-legged human parents are well and settling in too!
  I had several question about the guild challenge, which I have been calling the ugly challenge.  Actually it is Lemons to Lemonade.  The fabric I got is the dark calico print in the photo.  I was lucky, as it's not that bad.   
   So how do I turn this into a lemonade thing.....dilute it out with other fabric is my philosophy.  If  I give the eye lots of space and things to look at, I believe I can hide a half yard of  this calico in a garden quilt.   

 This week I began the fusing in earnest.  The stems and vines are even partly stitched down.  One panel is completely fused and I am working on this second one now.    

   Here's hoping next week is more productive, as the month is almost gone.  I also have another class to teach locally soon and I need to re-vamp the worksheets.  I'll add that to March's list  :)

Happy stitching.  


  1. Your "ugly" challenge doesn't look ugly at all!

  2. It looks like the furbabies are all beginning to feel comfortable in their new home.

    Your "ugly" challenge is looking beautiful to me.

  3. Rescues and their comfort zones, she'll find new ones and settle in, thank goodness she has so many friends and family with her.
    The ugly fabric looks good, you've hidden it in plain sight.

  4. I learned that some fabrics might be ugly in one quilt, that are just right for another. I see you've designed the perfect quilt for your challenge fabric. Love the background changing. I gotta try that some time.

  5. You might not like the fabric, but the quilt is looking beautiful! Looking forward to seeing this one finished.

  6. Your plan for hiding it seems good to me!


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