
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Catching up again

   Once again, I find myself playing catch up and trying to get back to my plans.  I'm glad I got all the baking done on Thursday,  because I  got a call  from our guild Program VP asking if I could help  fill in the  program for Monday night.  I know how hard it is to arrange programs, so I  agreed.

   That meant I needed to dig out the braid quilts.....oh, yeah, her request was the French Braid...get them washed. One was on the wall, one on the guest bed, and the other packed up till winter.
   I also needed a sample project to demo the piecing technique with....that meant digging out fabric and finding a ruler and rotary cutter.    (My sewing room is in the state of chaos/mess/can't find anything  until the cutting table made by Sir Old Man is brought up from the workshop.)

 I spent about an hour looking for a project box that I had set aside for a future braid where to be found.  So I raided the stash closet for floral  fabrics---they were the easiest to reach--- instead to make a short runner as a French Braid sample.  

  Luckily this technique is a quick sew project.  The hardest part is picking the fabrics.  I decided to use a different accent for the small squares rather than the large floral that is the starting 6" square.  I actually like this impromptu unexpected  NewFO for June.

  I had planned to be re-making the Roman shades for the guest room and in the hopefully that will get done this next week!  

And one more doll quilt!
  This one arrived from Jackie, Mrs. Claus in Iowa.  She is representing Hawaii for the HGTV Message Board group of Mrs. Claus participants.  I apologize for being late in getting this posted.
  I love her creative endeavor on this one.  Scrappy squares are top-stitched down on each larger square. I think the colors are so great and the scattered placement is fun!  Thanks so much for helping.

  One week left of June.....exactly where has this year gone?  I feel like I have been standing still and the escalator is passing me by at 100 mph.  I need to get on and get things done!  Happy stitching.


  1. Doncha just love last minute projects? NOT!!!!

    Lucky for them you are a pro, and have the items at hand.

  2. Oh My!! I love the French Braid table top !!!
    You make so many beautiful quilts and etc.
    I need to get on the ball and start making more , I have been on the go for my Husband this year, Taking him back and forth to the VA!
    .Hoping I can catch up soon too!!

  3. You are a sweetie to say "Yes"! I'm sure it is appreciated and your guild members are in for a treat. Not sure what we would do if our to-do list ever got finished! Have a great week! ~Jeanne

  4. That's such a beautiful braided rug table runner. I love all the colors in it. Yes, your guild is very lucky to have you help with the program. I bet the meeting will be packed full when everyone hears you are the guest teacher. The little doll quilt from Jackie is precious. Another one that will made a sweet child happy this Christmas.

  5. Beautiful table runner, Debbie. The little doll quilt is so sweet.

  6. Very pretty impromptu project, Debbie. Wish I could have seen your presentation. : )

  7. Of course your life is getting crazy busy when you'd like to just be in the sewing room, LOL. Boy, when you pull your butt out of the fire you do it beautifully, that table runner is wonderful.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hey Deb,
    I won't be there tonight and hate that I'll be missing your lecture. Your samples are gorgeous! Were celebrating our 24th anniversary today and working on the studio addition. Hope to see you soon. Tell Russ hello......I know you also have him busy with "honey do" projects.

  10. Now that is a technique I will have to try ... Some day!

  11. I love your projects. As a beginner I would like to try a French braid table runner. Do you have a pattern to recommend?

  12. Jojo....I have no way to contact you as you are a no-reply commenter.


I enjoy comments and will reply if your email is linked! Otherwise, use my email in side bar for answers!