
Friday, June 28, 2013

Killing time

   I'm still waiting to get my sewing room disaster back in shape so I can get to the design wall....... I feel like I am just killing time.  I keep getting the promise of "soon" me that means like yesterday, but apparently "soon"  means something else entirely in the male vocabulary!   Be warned, if he says soon, she needs to hear  when ever.

    I managed to slaughter/use up some more strings.  There are 48 string  blocks ready to be sewn together.  Since they go together in a certain specific way.....I need the design wall.    I tried the floor, but ran out of space.  I  got confused, stepped on a pin, and in general vented to myself  in frustration!

    So I moved on to these.   More strings only in triangle shape and lots of different sizes.   Here's the pin that inspired this one.   I loved the different sizes of the geese, and thought this one could be fun using strings.  Now, if I can only get to the foundation fabric in the cabinet, which has a table and piles of stuff in front of it.......:(   Soon!

  "This killing time, is killing me"!
Happy stitching.


  1. Fingers crossed that soon is near... when I get my design wall up next to my cutting wall in July I might just faint from sheer happiness! ;-D

  2. Amen sister, I totally understand the "can't find, or get to anything" frustration. Love the studio addition but will be glad when I can start putting things back together and can get to things. BUT you will be soooooooooo happy when he is done. We have perfectionist husbands, which is a good thing too. Looking forward to seeing the final product.
    Chocolate cures the problem too.

  3. I understand - the male vocabulary is quite different sometimes! I love your inspiration quilt and can't wait to see yours finished. Hope "soon" is very soon! ~Jeanne

  4. That is a fun variation on the theme of flying geese.
    Since DH built our home, I know exactly how long "soon" can mean. We won't even go there!! : )

  5. I'm surprised that the words that poured out of your mouth when you stepped on the pin didn't send him scurrying off to finish. I've found that you need to double any kind of time frame from a husband. I love that quilt and can't wait to see your string one.

  6. I find a good way to hurry a hubby is to "pretend" to finish his project for him... (they don't like that). Just walk past him with his tool kit...
    Love the geese to be!


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