
Saturday, June 29, 2013

It is going to take a while....

    Just to let you know, my "whining" of yesterday---so described by my DD---paid off.   Sir Old Man  (with help from  Hunter from next door)  brought the cutting table up to the sewing room this afternoon!   The actual top is not attached, or made yet, but I can live with this.     I have 2 sides to fill and organize....and a place to cut, trim, and pin if necessary!
   Which brings me to my point.  After going through a lot of bin and boxes of strips and leftover pieces, I realize that I am not Bonnie Hunter, aka the scrap queen.  As much as I love scrap quilts,  I am actually tired of seeing the same fabric and same strips, and so on.  I actually caught myself tossing some strips and hunks aside to trash!
   So some serious, and I mean serious, purging is going to happen.  I just found another bunch of orphan blocks and some patterns too.   I will be putting together a few bundles of  strips, squares, orphan blocks, and such.  I will post some info when I am done, probably Tuesday or Wednesday.....and they will be up for grabs for my followers.  
  See a little whining does pay off.....sometimes!  Thank you, Sir Old Man.  Happy stitching.  


  1. I'm so glad you're back in business! Purging and organizing is hard work, but you'll enjoy the result.

  2. What a cool shelving unit... and cutting table height too!

    I need to do some straighting/cleaning/purging in my sewing room this month... also need to plan some scrappy quilts too!

    No worries about your sewing room... it'll get done!

  3. I agree - after seeing it in 20 projects, it has to go! There's too much fabric out there to not get to experience because you're still trying to 'use up what you have'.

  4. Love your cutting space! Wonderful!
    Maybe I need to take whining lessons from you. Mine isn't so effective. : )

  5. That looks like a great cutting/storage space! I'm thinking about purging a few scraps too - just need to find the time and make myself do it! One of my young grandsons loves using the sewing machine and is using a lot of my orphan blocks to make a quilt. There is something about new space that really gets one in the cleaning mood - maybe I need to do a little whining! Good Luck. ~Jeanne

  6. Your cutting table looks fantastic. I love the storage room below. You have a real gold mine in that DH of yours. Oh,to be able to be a woodworker was always my desire My parents never let me take woodwork in school (afraid of the saws I think) & I never picked it up in my adult life but I sure admire those who can produce beautiful pieces.

  7. I used to save everything, but it quickly becomes overwhelming. I throw a lot more away than I used to. Surprisingly, the world still turns on its axis.

  8. So nice to finally be putting it together. Purges are always good, except then I get sidetracked and end up not getting rid of anything, just making more piles.

  9. gasp! Throwing fabric to the trash? ;)
    I think at some point we've all been there.
    Cleaning, sorting and purging around here always seems to come right before a big creative push.
    Can't wait to enjoy your new creations!!

  10. Looks great! Sometimes a bit of whining is needed to move things along... Enjoy sorting and organizing.


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