
Sunday, June 30, 2013

June starts and finishes

  June------ A better month of starts and finishes......
  • The blocks for the Buzz Saw quilt--old NewFO-- are sewn together.   Now to find the border fabric...somewhere in my mess.
  • The Tiara quilter arrived and has been put to good use!  :D
  • NewFO----Small quilt made and quilted for practice.....going to Phoebe.
  • Quilted and finished the watercolor strings quilt....Ripples.
  • Quilting done on the guild challenge quilt.  Ready for binding.
  • Blocks completed for the jewels string quilt.  Ready to be joined.
  • Started flying geese string blocks.....NewFO.....whatever was I thinking!
  • Top constructed for braid demo. New FO that was unexpected.    Dana pinned it , so now I need to finish it!

Guild challenge quilted;  small quilt finished for Phoebe;  Ripples quilted and bound;  jewel string blocks;  flying geese string blocks;  French Braid table runner.

  I feel better after reading that list!  I actually did a lot better than I thought this least I got one finished!
July plans  Here's what I need/plan/want  to do.
  •   Priority one-----Bind, label,  and finish the guild challenge quilt.  
  •   Jeweled string blocks----sew them together into a top.  
  •   Braid table runner----"uncover"  the batting ---again hidden in the mess---and finish this up.
  •   Make more string  geese!
  •   Buzz Saw quilt----- work on the border.    
  •   Start a NewFO----????  It better be a small project!  Actually I have that urge or need to create feeling that is only satisfied by working with a watercolor design.  So that's the plan, now I need a good inspiration  image.  
I'm linking to the NewFO party at Cat Patches......check out what others are up to.    Mrs. Cat Patches is a great enabler to get things rolling, and the cats provide endless entertainment.  I'm thinking she should write a book about Smitty's adventures.
Stay cool ---I'm still sorting through bins and boxes----and happy stitching.


  1. You had a great month - you deserve a nice play NewFO for July.

  2. You've accomplished a lot this month! Cute stuff.

  3. Oh my gosh Debbie! such a long list... I'm thinking you must never sleep:-)) Beautiful projects. I especially love your string blocks, a method I am yet to try but you have inspired me!

  4. You have done so much - wow! I do love Buzz Saw and the guild challenge. Actually I love them all! Also envious of that Tiara Quilter! Good luck with your July goals. ~Jeanne

  5. You are putting your Tiara to good use! I've got a few small quilts basted and ready to quilt, but have been doing some hand quilted ones first. Hopefully this week I can get to at least one of them on Gidget.
    Having a list really helps stay focused, doesn't it? I find I still let myself get distracted too often, though. : )

  6. You produce more in one month than I do in a whole year! I wonder what would happen if I made a list? Thanks for the link to Cat Patches...she sure has two great cats & lots of pretty projects.

  7. Ahh, the pressure, I'll pin the finished one too :)

  8. Wow girl you have been busy. Looks great.

  9. You did get a lot done, and very nice projects, too. Making a list makes you feel better about it, doesn't it?

  10. Lots done! But what were you thinking with the string flying geese blocks? :) They will look great.


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