
Wednesday, July 3, 2013


   I am finally back to stitching again.....And I can get to the design wall, the cutting table is loaded with project bins, threads, scrap boxes, and watercolor strip bins.  I can find things---mostly---so this is a celebration  post!!!
  I quilted some feathers on the braid table runner this morning. Now I need to trim and bind.

  Those string pieced blocks are being joined too.  This is a smaller size overall than the first one.  It should end up about 40" by 50".  I just love eyeing the colors  in this style  scrap quilt.

Now I need some takers....for the items I am clearing out.   This is the first batch of items.

   Item 1:    There are 23 of these blocks left.  They are about 7" ---square in a square pattern, with a "conversational " print in the center.


Item 2:
  2 patterns for Autumn  mini wall hangings.  Instructions for fusible applique and some embroidery.


  Item 3:   Two patterns.  One is for a table runner, and the other is a braid style quilt.  
  I never used either one....note that the braid pattern is for construction only.  It does not explain how to select fabrics combos or provide info on blending.  The person who passed it on to me was discouraged by that.


  If you are a follower and are interested in one of these,  leave  a comment and be sure you can be contacted by email.    Thanks.
  I will post more items later today.....check back.  :)


  1. Your quilting is fabulous!!

    I`d love to be one of your taker and I`d love item 1 0r 3,please put my in the hat.Thanks!!

  2. Hi, I would be interested in item #2. Table runners are my thing!!

  3. I love your feathers in your table runner. Oh, to be able to FM quilt just 1/4 as well as you do would be a joy. Your string quilt is coming along nicely...very colorful. I'm going to start on a new doll quilt soon.


I enjoy comments and will reply if your email is linked! Otherwise, use my email in side bar for answers!