
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Another round of doll quilts

  I'm late getting these photos up.....yesterday was gray and rainy, or the usual  it seems.  But was beautiful, glorious weather.  I saw really blue sky and puffy clouds and the humidity was much, much lower.  A picture perfect day, or a perfect picture taking day.

Kim at Seeing Stars sent this beautiful little quilt.
  She also participates in the HGTV Message Board, and she sent this quilt to represent North Dakota.
   I had to look at the design a little while to see the positive and negative.  Do you see it?  The top row has light wings, and the second row has the dark wings in the corners.  I love her ingenuity.  Thanks.

  Shelia,  a friend from quilt guild and blogger  delivered these 3 cuties.  Let me be more specific in that......she was chauffeured over by her hubbie in his new/old '55 Chevrolet.  I think he wanted to show off his ride to Sir Old Man, and along the way another "car guy" followed them over here!  So it was hot rod night in the driveway for a while.
  Shelia loves pink and these 3 were great to use up some of her leftovers.  They also gave her some free motion practice time.  Thanks...I love them.

Mrs, Claus from OK sent this wonderfully soft quilt.  Marion2 is also a member of the HGTV Message Board.
This country homespun quilt is backed with fleece.....that is why it turned out so soft.  Thanks.  I know a little girl will love this.


 These 3 were made by Nancy, aka Catwmn27, from the HGTV Message Board.    The pinwheels are just delightful.......and I am so glad you worked to share in this project again.  Thank you.
  She is covering three states.....MA, RI, and VT!

   This Mrs. Claus loves miniatures!  Wonder how I figured that out?
Lori, is from the HGTV Message Board.  She claims to have made two of these just to use up fabric!  They are tiny works of art and I know little girls will love them dearly.

   Mrs. Claus from Michigan......aka TCMay at the HGTV Message Board has been busy, too.    A wonderful red, white and blue quilt.....just the cutest thing,  and an adorable Sun Bonnet Sue dressed in turquoise  came from her.   Thank you.

  Such a great variety of styles, and colors.  Thank you all.....for being willing to help.  And another big thank you for a wonderful "recruiter" in the person of Mrs. Claus from Texas, aka Nicki.  This project would be such a struggle without her help.
   That's the doll quilt round up for the week.....first deliveries go out right after Labor Day.  Labor Day, did I really say that......where has this year gone to?  
  I better get busy, I have miles to go before it is done.
Happy stitching.


  1. Love the little quilt show, Debbie!

  2. What a neat assortment of quilts. I agree, 2013 is speeding by.

  3. There is such variety in all the doll quilts you have been showing. No two alike..all just precious. I think there are more to come so keep the camera batteries charged. ;)

  4. Wonderful quilts, every one of them is precious. I just said the same thing about Labor Day, how did that happen? the days are flying.

  5. Another lovely group and I surprise myself by favouring the pink and green one with the flying geese border! Not my colours at all (usually).

  6. What beautiful little quilts! I so enjoy seeing pictures of these donated little doll quilts. Thank you for sharing.


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