
Thursday, August 29, 2013

End of August and NewFO

   Time to bring all the August projects together and see where I ended up.  I am cutting this month a day short because of family coming in for the weekend.   Holiday weekend, too.....and the last hurrah for Summer.
   The partial section of watercolor that was a UFO became Renewed.  Turned on end, added to, some thread painting and done.  I am enjoying this daily now, as it is in the sewing room.

   Twin Chevrons----for Maria's twin boys---are pieced and quilted.  Some how I knew I needed these to be done sooner than later....and sure enough, the twins arrived early.   The boys are thriving and still in NICU .  Maria is home and recovering.  We dropped a meal off to them yesterday and while I visited with Maria, Sir Old Man made friends with Sydney, her young daughter.   When we left, Sir Old Man had an insightful idea......give a doll quilt to Sydney so she doesn't feel left out when the chevron quilts are given.     Absolutely brilliant idea......add a NewFO for September.

 An unexpected project...NewFO, begun and completed in August.
This is for my older nephew's birthday tomorrow, as a memento/reminder of his trip to Alaska this summer.
  I detailed this process here.

   The scrappy TAW, a  NewFO started a couple of months ago,  is large enough now for the design wall.  I am still sewing strips and making strata to cut apart in between other stuff.  So this one could just go on and on.  But I will stop when it is large enough for a large lap quilt.  This is going to be for Habitat for Humanity  project at guild.

   As for the other project that was on my list for August.....mainly the Buzz Saw quilt.  The borders are on.  It is pressed.  Now to tackle the pinning to ready it for quilting.  I have that planned, so it is just the pinning to do....when Sir Old Man is able to help!

Plans  for September:

Photo snitched from Vroomans Quilts!
  •   Quilt the Buzz Saw.  I know everyone is tired of hearing about it!
  •   Make a doll quilt for Sydney....a small NewFO.
  •   Continue with the Scrappy Trip around the World.
  •   Start a NewFO.....see photo I snitched from Sharon at Vroomans Quilts.  She created this using a jelly roll and getting the look of a faux braid.  I love the diagonal design, and the easy assembly of the quarter log cabin block.    I have a few ideas for this that I will share soon.  

Linking to Cat Patches for   NewFO.
Enjoy the holiday weekend......I will hold the doll quilts to share for another day or two.  Happy stitching.


  1. A very productive month, Debbie--and give Sir Old Man a pat on the back for his great idea on the doll quilt!

  2. You had a great month with some wonderful finishes. I need a month like that.

  3. Sound and looks like you had a great month quilt wise and family wise too. Beautiful work!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  4. Gorgeous projects... I love the diagonal layout of the jelly roll quilt too and can't wait to see yours!

  5. Wow!! I love this last watercolor quilt ! and the one for your nephew is different ! Good work !
    'I am so far behind ! I have lots of catching up to do as far as the quilts go.
    I have been helping my Niece with her bridal shop making things for that.
    hopefully more quilting soon.

  6. A productive month indeed! And the idea of a doll quilt for Sydney is a really good one!

  7. I never tire of seeing pictures of you color wash quilts. They are all beautiful. Love the baby quilts. I agree that Sydney needs a doll quilt : )

  8. It's all wonderful, I really love the chevrons the colors are so perfect. I put Sharon's quilt on my to-do list so don't wait too long to spill your ideas, you know I'll steal them :)

  9. Well, your work is great and it looks like you will have lots of smiles from the recipients. I noticed the EQ button, checked it out and joined the email list. I need to put that program back on my pc. Thanks for sharing.

  10. You've been busy! And all the projects are winners - I especially like your nephew's quilt. Bet he will love it! ~Jeanne

  11. What a fabulous month! I love Renewed and I was interested to see how you quilted the chevron quilt. I hope you enjoy your company and have a great Labor Day weekend.

  12. It's hard to pick my favorite from out of your August projects. Of course I am partial to colorwash quilts. Your Sir Old Man never ceases to amaze me. He was RIGHT ON when he suggested the doll quilt for Sydney. What a sweet, soft heart he has.

  13. Your renewed project is just awesome! And the surprise start/finish is lovely. Doll quilts are so fun to play with. Look forward to seeing what you do with the faux braid.

  14. Really nice stuff. I love the dragonfly.

  15. I'm always in awe at your use of color and your watercolor quilts. Love all these projects!

  16. Love the watercolor quilt. Had started one about ten years ago and that's a far as I got!. But I think I love your nephews that best!. Wonderful reminder of Alaska!

  17. Everything is lovely! You are quite the go getter! I really like the idea of a doll quilt, so she doesn't feel left out in all the excitement. Fabulous work!

  18. Hey! Brilliant conversion of the watercolor. It's really nice. You had a great month - too sweet of him to think of the doll quilt to go along.

  19. The baby quilts are darling and what a great idea to make the doll quilt for big sister! You got a lot done last month!


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