
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Home again

  We left last week to deliver and install the rebuilt screen doors to Michigan.  A beautiful drive and trip up...with no mishaps.  Friday was to be a full workday of sewing and installing doors....but it was a disaster instead.  Luckily I had had my first cup of coffee before Deana discovered the basement was in 2 inches of water!  Sir Old Man to the rescue.  Trusty hammer in hand, he unstuck the valve in the water heater and stopped the gushing flow of water.  Then the reality set in.  Water everywhere........
  Let me digress here in this tale......Sir Old Man and I had lunched with friends before leaving and heard their saga of coming home from a 2 month trip to discover a similar mess from a leaking toilet.  They have been living with the clean up and repairs for over 6 weeks now.  So when we planned this trip, I insisted we have someone in the house daily.   Little did I know, my fears were to be faced in Michigan!   Exactly what is it with this de ja vu I have been having lately?
   So a few dozen calls, and the insurance company got Serve Pro out within a couple of hours to begin the clean up.  While Sir Old Man  and Trey moving mountains of boxes and things to the living room, to the dining room, to the upstairs bedroom, to the get the idea......I got to corral the furkins.   These three are a handful!   I also spent the time making some "comfort food" at Trey's request.  In our home that means Country Fried Steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans, with cherry Crunch for dessert.  We survived the day, all were exhausted, and progress was made for the clean up.

On Saturday, we did get some planned work in.  The beautiful re-built screen doors were installed.  This is the front....isn't it beautiful.  And I love the new blue color.  It just pops.

   I spent the day doing a bit more cooking to get through the weekend, so I did not get to sewing on the roman shades.  I brought them home to do.  That's my project for this next week.

  Once I get my household routine back, I have some binding to add to a finished quilt.....Finally!!

Hoot Pincushion by Lesley ChaissonAnd to finish up.... I ran across this  cute pin cushion that just fits the season.  I put it on my Pinterest page for the link.   I love the wonky eyes.....kind of like I still feel after the long trip!  

  Happy to be home.....happy stitching.


  1. Wow, what an adventure y'all had this past week. I bet Trey & Deana were glad you & DH were there to help. The front door is beautiful. I love colored front doors that pop like that. Cute pin cushion.

  2. I have to admit I was kinda wondering why one would have to rebuild a simple screen door (other than just doing a good job of using what one has) rather than just getting a new one--ooooh, ok! Very pretty and unusual screen door! I should've known it had to be due to Sir Old Man's woodworking skills!

  3. How weird that you ran into what you were worried about. Deana and Trey must be so happy you were there. It looks like the door fits perfectly, congrats to Sir Old Man.

  4. Talk about a nightmare coming true... I recently heard of people turning their water off during short trips and thought that was kind of overkill - perhaps not! Beautiful door.

  5. A beautiful home! The screen door is lovely.


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