
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sharing quilt show pix

  I am making progress....I got one quilt for Habitat for Humanity quilted.   And a couple of rows of quilting on the diagonal is looking good!    No photos of my work yet.  Instead I thought I would share a couple of things I saw at our guild quilt show yesterday.

   This is a string quilt from men's shirting....a la Bonnie Hunter pattern...made by Margaret.  I thought she did a great job with the value selection and usage.   A simple pattern that makes a really striking design.....just a perfect cuddle up with me quilt.

  This is Edna's Lemonade Challenge quilt......the tan fabric is the "ugly" fabric she got.  I love the changes she made from the original design that she worked from.  The coxcomb block spirals and enlarges to met the wonderful applique.  I was excited by her offset layout with the opposing features.   Lots of good inspiration here!

  I was using my phone for the photos, so they are not so great this time......but this one was so intriguing.  Love the play of color, and neat design elements that got thrown into this one.  It was from a design class Janet took....I have got to get some details on this one.  I see flying geese blocks, tiny pinwheels, strips and rectangles.....lots of things going on.  She said it was "outside her box", but I think it is great!

   And my sentimental favorite was made by Ilse.  A seven sisters block quilt with a wonderful applique design border.   This is from a class she took from our guild's founder, Mary, who died last year.  It caused me to pause and just remember.  And then I was so thankful for Mary's guidance and teaching.  Her influence is still strong in our quilting family around here.   I am glad the tradition continues.

   We are prepping for a few travel days to deliver those rebuilt and refinished screen doors to daughter and son-in-law.  So don't panic if  it is quiet around here for a while..... I will get rolling again when we return.  Until then happy stitching!


  1. Oh, what lovely quilts... each and everyone of them a treasure! Phone photos or not... they're gorgeous! Thanks for sharing these with me!

  2. Lovely quilts and yes, even with the phone photos, their beauty does shine thru.

  3. The photos look fine to me. I especially love that first quilt. Scraps of plaid--doesn't get much better than that! : )

  4. Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures and have a great visit.

  5. Everyone of those quilts is different and wonderful, thanks. Have a good trip, deep breaths it's going to be fun!

  6. All are just beautiful! Thanks for sharing them.


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