Don't say that "S" word around this part of the country......I heard the stores sold out of milk, bread, and eggs in a few hours. It's a southern thing to panic when you hear the weatherman say that.
Luckily we were on the lower edge of it all and got plenty of rain, mist, and then the sleet came. All night I could her it pinging on the windows. I am sure there was some heavy snowflakes mixed it, but we ended up with a thick crust of probably 2 1/2''. Today it has hovered above freezing and a lot of melting has occurred, but the word is the roads are a slushy mess. We will wait it out tomorrow as there will be a lot of re-freezing tonight.

So I am just playing around with these for now using a white or cream background.
I wonder what light colored squares would look like on a darker background....just a thought.
My block is from EQ7, the Uneven 9 Patch Block. I simply removed 2 opposing corner squares, increasing the bottom and top background strip to the correct length.
The size I am using will give a 6 1/2'' unfinished block.
Recipe for block:
Cut from color fabric
Center square is 3 1/2'' by 3 1/2''
Two corner squares are 2'' by 2''
Background: Cut from white/cream
two strips 2'' by 3 1/2''
two strips 2'' by 5''
You can easily make these larger, begin with the center square and do the math:)
I think they would be good in Christmas fabrics even.
Happy stitching.
These would be wonderful in Christmas fabrics. Actually, they are pretty wonderful right now with your white tone-on-tone backgrounds. I don't envy you the icy/slushy mess you're dealing with there. We're wishing the ground would freeze a bit more so digger-dog wouldn't come home all mud-covered four or five times a day!
This would make a quick and easy QOV or Carolina Hurricane Quilt too!
This would make for a great block to use with RSC next year. I have a lot of white and w/w and cream scraps that need using up.
Well, I have not had a big snow dump yet, so I am grateful. Love your new quilt. I somehow ended up with a hurt knee- like the side and under it and standing is out of the question and sitting is with an ice pack. No idea how it happened. All I can do is piece when I need to longarm a bunch of quilts!
I am so relieved you missed the worst of the storm! Stay safe.
Staying home to sew and relax sounds like the perfect way to deal with wintry storm madness! It's always so interesting how different a simple block looks on point. That "string of beads" effect doesn't work otherwise.
I love it! And I did a quick mockup in EQ - it would look great with a black/dark background
Easy for me to say, but I’m a little envious of your snow. Of course, if we had it here, I’d be complaining loudly. I like that block. I can see how it could be versatile in a different layout or paired with other blocks.
OOO! Love the block. I may have to try this one with Christmas fabrics. I got a foot of snow here in Virginia and work was out Monday so I sewed all day long. Love it!!
ooooo I have to make these! Endless possibilities with color, contrast, placement. Thank you for the inspiration... I've not sewn much since the move and now I WANT to.
snow... snow is okay with me and better be now that we moved to CO. but sleet is unwelcome. No ice, no way! Because it's dry here, people tend not to shovel snow, so the sun comes out, melts the top layer, and we have ice for weeks. Ick. Good luck there.
I'm with Sharon. These would make a great RSC project. Not that I need any more ideas for RSC, but I'm going to make note of it anyway. I probably should make a sample block and put a note on it with dimensions and source. Sorry you are temporarily "sleeted in", but it should melt fairly soon in your neck of the woods. Up here it just hangs on forever. We escaped this one.
Nice blocks. Stay inside and stay safe in the 's'.
Your back porch winter scene is so pretty. Looks like something from a Christmas calendar. We've been having exceptionally cool weather for us this time of the year. Saw our little screech owl in the box last week. I think he's scouting out the area for for food & nesting area for spring. I really like the Chandelier Bead block & will do like MissPat & make a sample block with the instruction attached so I don't loose it for a quilt in the future. Thanks for the "recipe" for the block.
I love the effect these blocks create. They make me think of the bead strands that used to hang over doorways. Was that more the 60s or 70s? Anyway, it is a pretty outcome.
I really like that. It looks more complicated than it is. Thanks for sharing.
LOVE that block and what you have going with it so far! Oh my gosh! You got my snow!! So jealous. Looks like no white Christmas for us. Too warm, maybe rain. Blah. :o(
I really like the way you have set the blocks in the quilt!! Great block Debbie!
I really like the look of the Chandelier Bead Block. It always amazes me how the simplest blocks become eye-catching when sewn on point. I loved seeing the serving trays made by Sir Old Man. You may not be able to pick a favorite, but I would claim the top one in a heartbeat. I love the symmetry of the placement of the 3 different woods. They look so beautiful, I don't think I could put anything on them.
Love the looks of this block. One of my goals for 2019 was to make 3 quilts from my scrap boxes. This looks like a great jumping off point. Checked Gene Black's dark background version and don't know which way I will go. Maybe both. Starting right after lunch. Happy New Year to you and yours.
I absolutely love this chandelier look!!! I like that is loos so crisp and clean lines. Thank you so much for the help with the pattern!!!!
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