September felt very busy, but looking back I did not have finishes. We were gone for the first couple of weeks, so......progress counts, doesn't it?
Two scrap projects underway are still in progress. The scrappy project for Let's Book it from August has grown and looks so much better because of the extra variety of fabrics. I assembled the completed blocks into 4 patches, using 2 dark paired with 2 light or medium blocks. That will keep the values scattered and running on the diagonal line. I probably need about 24 more blocks before putting this one together.
A stack of 62 blocks for the Carolina Chain. These are only 6" blocks, so I will need to keep on adding scraps to get the 120 blocks I think that I need.

The small watercolor is off the wall, fused and under the needle. I have had a very hard time locating gridded interfacing locally.....and on line the price has jumped dramatically. So who needs those lines, anyway. I purchased regular interfacing---lightweight---and drew a couple of reference lines on it myself. Then just fused away.

The blended Many Trips is pinned and ready to quilt....progress at least. This will be my main focus for October....get this one finished as I want to use it in the trunk show in November. And then there are all the quilts to pull out and get ready for that program.....and a class to teach. So light plans, will give me time to breathe, relax, and plan. Happy stitching.
A stack of 62 blocks for the Carolina Chain. These are only 6" blocks, so I will need to keep on adding scraps to get the 120 blocks I think that I need.
The small watercolor is off the wall, fused and under the needle. I have had a very hard time locating gridded interfacing locally.....and on line the price has jumped dramatically. So who needs those lines, anyway. I purchased regular interfacing---lightweight---and drew a couple of reference lines on it myself. Then just fused away.
The blended Many Trips is pinned and ready to quilt....progress at least. This will be my main focus for October....get this one finished as I want to use it in the trunk show in November. And then there are all the quilts to pull out and get ready for that program.....and a class to teach. So light plans, will give me time to breathe, relax, and plan. Happy stitching.