I have been wanting to try the curved piecing and that is part of this month's Art Quilt Workbook---innovative piecing. So I drew off the moose and pulled out the fabrics for the background. I chose 2 blue fabrics for the background, and a blue-green for the ground. I couldn't have the moose walking in air! First exercise is using curved piecing. With the curved piecing method described in the book, you can end up with 2 blocks with the opposite color placement. This is the one I liked best because the light seems to shining on him. He will eventually become part of a Alaska travel quilt. I absolutely love him....our purple moose.
I have an idea for the other exercise that uses insert strips, so that will be next week's project. But for the theme project, I am at a loss right now as to what I will use. Hope inspiration hits soon.
Insight: Curved piecing---gentle curves--are not hard to do. And I can draw a moose!
Happy Stitching...
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Coral Reef
This was a fun, quick project that I loved designing. It is the coral reef class by Shirley at learningfa yahoo group. It was just what I needed to do---play with color and fabric. So I just pushed everything else aside and got lost underwater yesterday afternoon. The fish and other elements are fused and machine stitched down. I used mainly decorative stitching for the "floaty" seaweed. I think I may do another one, especially now that I figured out what I am doing. I will add some thread painted starfish and coral, and use a deeper area of sand at the bottom. This one is 14 inches by 25 inches.
This is Memorial Day weekend, the signal that summer is here. Take time to pause and remember and honor our veterans for their service that we might live free. Enjoy your holiday.
Happy stitches.
This is Memorial Day weekend, the signal that summer is here. Take time to pause and remember and honor our veterans for their service that we might live free. Enjoy your holiday.
Happy stitches.
Talking about:
coral reef
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Thread painting--a little
I finished up a bit of thread painting yesterday on some flowers. The top ones are suppose to be cosmos---the leaves are better than the flowers. The second one is yellow rudbeckias and they turned out better. While in Alaska, I picked up several spools of embroidery thread that I found on sale. I got several shades of yellow and red and some purples to try some more flowers. With the thread painting you need the variety in shades. I will probably use one group on my next art quilt project exercise. The next chapter is creative piecing....curved piecing, wonky piecing, and using inset strips. I used the wonky piecing on my last watercolor with the poppies. So I plan to experiment with the curved techniques to create the background.
And then there is the moose. I keep thinking about the photo of the purple moose on the side of the bakery. He is painted to look like fabric to me. So he will probably pop up on one of the art quilt exercises. I also sketched a couple of layouts for a quilt of Alaska travel memories. There are several photos that really inspire me to turn them into fabric and thread painting and maybe a watercolor block of the mountains.

Last night I cut strips and blocks for the blooming 9 patch and started sewing the strips. So I can balance my stash report. Used (cut up)---3 yards Bought (last week) 3 1/2 yards. Looks like I'm in the hole!
Talking about:
thread painting
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
I saw a moose

Trey wanted one more piece of pie from a small bakery he discovered downtown. So we did some final shopping and he got his pie. This last photo is one of the colorful moose on the outside of the bakery. Looks like inspiration for a art quilt.
Anyway, 14 hours later I was home having sweet tea and ready for sleep. Thanks for sharing my blogging of Alaska memories. If you ever get the opportunity to visit Alaska, go. It is a trip worth the effort to get there. I'm off to practice thread painting and begin a design for the online class. Happy Stitching.

Talking about:
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Copper Center Day

Talking about:
Monday, May 24, 2010
Train ride to Whittier
What a treat to ride the viewing car train. Even though it was a long, slow ride, the trip along the coast was great. High cliffs on one side, often snow banks right down to the tracks, and the rocky shoreline and ocean on the other. We saw sheep grazing on the mountain sides, eagles, and mallard ducks, and a couple of moose climbing through the woods. There is only one track part of the way and another train was heading our way. There was a short delay while the engineer switched the tracks and the other train passed. Whittier is a major port and about 80% of all goods come through there.

Talking about:
Alaska Continued
I'm not sure what I did, but this post published instead of the train....So I have finished this draft and will post it too.
We left Anchorage and headed out the Glenn Highway towards Palmer for a quick drop in with a friend Russ knew 50 years ago. Stan and Ginny were wonderful and gave us lots of help with what to do on our travels. The views were amazing all along the way. This was outside Palmer at the Musk Ox farm where we stopped. Deana is a knitter and wanted to see the musk ox that are known for their quivet---very fine hair that is the ultimate for knitting when spun. The farm was actually closed but Nick was gracious and allowed us a 20 minute tour to see a few animals. The farm is working to domesticate and increase the herd as a viable product for the native economy. The musk ox is the largest prehistoric mammal left.
We left Anchorage and headed out the Glenn Highway towards Palmer for a quick drop in with a friend Russ knew 50 years ago. Stan and Ginny were wonderful and gave us lots of help with what to do on our travels. The views were amazing all along the way. This was outside Palmer at the Musk Ox farm where we stopped. Deana is a knitter and wanted to see the musk ox that are known for their quivet---very fine hair that is the ultimate for knitting when spun. The farm was actually closed but Nick was gracious and allowed us a 20 minute tour to see a few animals. The farm is working to domesticate and increase the herd as a viable product for the native economy. The musk ox is the largest prehistoric mammal left.

Talking about:
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Quilting is big in Alaska
Everything is big in Alaska...including quilting. Why? Long winter nights---that is day and night are dark, I hear, with only 4 to 5 hours of twilight for daytime.
And then my wonderful husband said, "There's another rack you haven't looked at." Boy, were we in trouble.....prints of glaciers, and the northern lights, mountains, and totem poles. And it was buy 5 and get 1 free....so I did. I know I blew my stash busting diet, but what a great way to do it.
Just a bit about the raven and the totems. I thought that totem poles would be a common sight. I only found a few--mainly at the museum and rail depot. So I picked up a small book on the history of totems. Totems are ceremonial pieces many times. The celebrate an event or a person. The chief of the clan might have several outside his home, or as a door support. Totems tell a story and are usually read top to bottom. The raven is a common figure used on totems, and he represents a trickster/creator---the duality of his nature. The legend says he stole the sun from his master and hung it in the sky. So often the raven has a flat disk in his beak.
The Quilted Raven is a really neat shop in downtown Anchorage that Deana found listed in the phonebook. So off we went. I never expected to find such a cute shop there, and very friendly staff to top it off. We talked quilting and guilds and she cleared off the table for me to sort through what I liked. They had a wonderful selection of scenic and Alaskan prints. And wildflower prints that were just great. My mind began to picture 2 or 3 things I could do with these fabrics.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

We stayed in the historic Anchorage Hotel on E Street the first 3 nights. It was right downtown and within walking distance to the market and train station. So that was great planning, Deana. The first night was strange...lots of noise, clomping steps and voices in the hall. Trey said he heard children running in the hallway too. The next morning Deana checked and found out there were no children staying there. Supposedly this hotel has a few haunts. Could be because the next 2 nights were very quiet, and yet there were more guests.

Talking about:
A few views of Alaska
Our first views of the mountains from the plane.
Lots of snow still left on the Chugach Mountains that surround Anchorage, Alaska.
Just a peek through the branches of a white spruce outside our cabin early one morning. I took lots of photos of trees in anticipation of doing thread painting.
Mount Wrangell and the tundra and forest as seen from the state park walk.
It was an amazing trip, with incredible and unbelievable views. The one thing that stands out in my mind is the people we met. Every person, from the waitress to the hotel staff to the fabulous artisans at the market, was friendly and helpful. They were genuinely interested in our trip and wanted to help in any way they could. Alaska is the last frontier full of pioneer-spirited people who are warm, genuine and have a marvelous passion for their state. I'm due for some sleep right now, but look forward to sharing a lot that I saw....and bought!
Talking about:
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Virtual theme contest
I entered a quilt in the weekly contest at quiltinggallery.com, and forgot to post about it. A comment by Bea reminded me. You can find it by clicking the link on this page to quilting bloggers. It's the weekly theme contest....Garden quilts this week.
The views are breathtaking here....off to the market. More later.........
The views are breathtaking here....off to the market. More later.........
Thursday, May 13, 2010
North to Alaska

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Two days till we are in Alaska. At guild last night they had a hoot imagining my red walking shoes sticking out of the snow. :) Me...I am more concerned that a bear might like them!
Anyway, thanks for all the great comments both here and at learningfa yahoo group about Remembrance. I hope I didn't miss anyone when I responded. The off shoot is that Shirley has asked me to teach a watercolor class on-line at learningfa in the fall that can feature a thread painted subject. When I read her email , Take the Leap, one of the latest art quilt exercises, popped into my head. So be careful what you say, because it may come back to haunt you. Actually, it should be fun. I will have the summer to plan and prepare. Life is a journey and this is one more road to take.
Anyway, thanks for all the great comments both here and at learningfa yahoo group about Remembrance. I hope I didn't miss anyone when I responded. The off shoot is that Shirley has asked me to teach a watercolor class on-line at learningfa in the fall that can feature a thread painted subject. When I read her email , Take the Leap, one of the latest art quilt exercises, popped into my head. So be careful what you say, because it may come back to haunt you. Actually, it should be fun. I will have the summer to plan and prepare. Life is a journey and this is one more road to take.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Remembrance is 33" by 33" and in honor of Veteran's Day. That is why I chose the poppies. I decided to border with a filet inset afterall. It just completes the look to me. I really like this one. Today begins the count down till we leave.....red shoes and all! I got all the addresses for the quilt and yarn shops plugged into the tom-tom. Guess next weeks stash report will be about fabric added. That's ok, I will give myself permission, because I have been keeping the sewing room very, very neat. And mini-bolts go back on their shelf when I am finished cutting. Besides, I'm not wonder woman perfect! Like the speaker at church said..."Take a nap, eat a snack, there's a long journey ahead". I love that!
Talking about:
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Art Quilt Projects and stash report

Over the River Nidd--Knaresborough Bridge is the collage theme project. I had a general idea of wanting to show the sketch torn from a scrapbook, tucked away for years, and now framed to hang in my dining room. It all came together when I got the comment from the student, Ana Lynden, and she shared her beautiful words describing the bridge. (See earlier post for her comment). I selected the parts I wanted to use and printed them onto fabric that frames the photo on its frayed side. The quirky detail at the bottom is a tattered bookmark, that falls off the scrapbook edge.
I am happy with this one....like I saved a piece of history.
One final note, I heard from Russ' cousin, Diane, that she had been to Knaresborough because her maternal grandmother lived there.
Insight: I'm a quilter, and I like binding on the edge. Inspiration may require waiting for just that right time....or in this case, comment, to bring everything together.
This weeks Stash busting--fabric used---and none added!
2 yards for Make a Wish take along quilt
1/2yard for border and binding of watercolor
FQ and some scrap strips for labels and taggie
Total this week---2 3/4 yard
Talking about:
art quilt workbook,
photo inspiration
Friday, May 7, 2010

I am quilting on the watercolor and hope to get if finished before we leave.
Talking about:
A Blog comment to share
A really neat comment was in my inbox this morning. It is from a college student, Ana, who is studying in England. Here is her description and impression of the Knaresborough Bridge. It is so special, I just had to share it.
Thank you, Ana. I am amazed how blogging has changed my world, through people I "meet" and subjects I discover. This is the good side of technology!
I’m just a student studying abroad in the U.K. I took an class excursion to Knaresborough and this bridge struck me in its grace and size. For an excursion update I wrote: “Behind the chunks of castle, in the distance, was the River Nidd with mist rising off of it. A picturesque bridge crossed the waters, so we found the riverside walk to get a closer look. We stopped underneath this behemoth bridge to duck watch and hide from the rain. The huge stones were covered in green moss around the water and they stacked up into a giant arch that reached over us. I felt like it was alive, something with a past, a present, and a future. I felt like that bridge had not always been in that river, but had walked all over the countryside, deciding to plant itself in the Nidd. Unfortunately this bridge is underrated for its grace, strength, and beauty. It doesn’t have a special name, meriting only “Knaresborough Bridge.” I looked through the town pamphlets and found no information on its construction or use. I later found out that it was a bridge for the trains as we waited to leave on the platforms.” Thought you wouldn’t mind a present connection to the bridge as well as the past.
Thank you, Ana. I am amazed how blogging has changed my world, through people I "meet" and subjects I discover. This is the good side of technology!
Talking about:
Knaresborough Bridge
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Just some thoughts
I am not sure where this week went. I know I've been busy. But there is a lot to get done in the next week. We leave for Alaska next Thursday, and I have a list of small things to take care of before we leave. And then the packing (including the red shoes), probably more deleting than taking! Yep, I am getting excited and nervous at the same time.
It all comes down to time. Spend it wisely, once it is gone, it is the past. Make the most of your time today, and remember to enjoy the moments. Here's a special moment in the garden. Enjoy!
It all comes down to time. Spend it wisely, once it is gone, it is the past. Make the most of your time today, and remember to enjoy the moments. Here's a special moment in the garden. Enjoy!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Stash busting report
For the Jewel Box--- Scrap strips used for border----approx. 1 1/4 yards Backing used----3 1/2 yards
Backing for the water color wall hanging---1 yard
Backing for 2 art projects---1/4 yard
Total---------6 yards
Yea!!!! And now there is about 3 inches of free space on my mini bolt shelf. And the jewel box is ready to be pinned and quilted.
Talking about:
jewel box
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Garden sights
The double white azaleas are just coming into full bloom. Most of the other azaleas are past their prime now, so these are a special surprise. They are tucked into a corner by the side door. And just beyond them is another special plant.....
This is a Carolina orchid, a past along plant from a friend. The blooms are only about 1 and 1/2 inches across and really look like a very tiny orchid on an arching stem. Hopefully next year there will be more of them.
And the poppies are appliqued now onto the water color wall hanging. The centers are thread painted in black. I really like how they just pop with the thread accent. I have the border picked out and will get this one finished up this week. I have decided not to add the right side to this one after all. So now I have the start of other wall hanging, and an idea of what I will use for an accent on it.

Talking about:
thread painting
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Technology migraine!
Alaska is less than 2 weeks away, so today we needed to pick up some final items. Number 1 was water bottles that we could take on the plane. Susan, aka Sarge, suggested the Polar bottles that are insulated and keep water colder longer. Unfortunately, none of the guys at the store could find them....how little they know their stock. Just beyond the checkout, I spotted a display of them. Russ returned the off-brand not what we really wanted ones to the camping area, and I got 2 polar bottles. Check that off the list.
Number 2 was a new memory card for the cameras. Ha! It was like looking for a needle on the floor of my sewing room. His camera requires a compact flash card. These are now considered high end for professional use, and only one type available at very high dollar. The sales guy said to try ebay and find an old one. Strike one....on to my camera, which used an xD card. 2G, or 4G.....my present one is 64 M. I quickly realize the 4 year old camera is considered very outdated. Too bad, I know how to use mine.
Number 3 was an external hard drive for backup on my computer. We have had enough computer problems lately and I did not want to be gone and come back to nothing left. Luckily there was another customer looking at them and I started talking to him. Goldmine! He was a computer geek that installs big systems. He kindly answered my dumb questions, gave me directions, and picked out what I needed. OK, check that off the list. Done and headed for home.
My camera card is a dud....the camera recognizes it, but is unable to format it. So we will have to return it and try again. Strike 2.
Then I decided to try ebay for the other card, and there was an old one for $1! I bid, and bidded again. Outbid....strike 3. But, looking further, we found a compact flash card for about 1/4 the store price there. So that did get ordered, and I sure hope it works. Maybe that was just strike 2 1/2.
I am feeling very old today....technology has exploded, and my mind is having a problem keeping up. And now Russ is trying to connect the Wii to the internet. I think I will go press the jewel box quilt top....with a plain old iron that you don't have to program to make it work.
Number 2 was a new memory card for the cameras. Ha! It was like looking for a needle on the floor of my sewing room. His camera requires a compact flash card. These are now considered high end for professional use, and only one type available at very high dollar. The sales guy said to try ebay and find an old one. Strike one....on to my camera, which used an xD card. 2G, or 4G.....my present one is 64 M. I quickly realize the 4 year old camera is considered very outdated. Too bad, I know how to use mine.
Number 3 was an external hard drive for backup on my computer. We have had enough computer problems lately and I did not want to be gone and come back to nothing left. Luckily there was another customer looking at them and I started talking to him. Goldmine! He was a computer geek that installs big systems. He kindly answered my dumb questions, gave me directions, and picked out what I needed. OK, check that off the list. Done and headed for home.
My camera card is a dud....the camera recognizes it, but is unable to format it. So we will have to return it and try again. Strike 2.
Then I decided to try ebay for the other card, and there was an old one for $1! I bid, and bidded again. Outbid....strike 3. But, looking further, we found a compact flash card for about 1/4 the store price there. So that did get ordered, and I sure hope it works. Maybe that was just strike 2 1/2.
I am feeling very old today....technology has exploded, and my mind is having a problem keeping up. And now Russ is trying to connect the Wii to the internet. I think I will go press the jewel box quilt top....with a plain old iron that you don't have to program to make it work.
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