Friday, August 23, 2019

Tails and Bindings

  Yes, yes, I am still here......just been very quiet and struggling with the pain and heat.  Over the weekend, I pulled out tops, batting, and backing fabric for three things.  The two smaller ones have been hanging around for a while and will be donated.

   I uncovered Hot Legs, my Tiara mid-arm.  What a machine!  It has been sitting for at least two months and fired up and stitched just perfectly.    I only had to barely touch the tension when I changed thread cones. 

  Gentle swirls with tails for the quilting on this one.  The pattern is Crossroads from Connie at Freemotion by the River.   Love this pattern, which I have made before.  Note the binding....all ready to attach and wound up on an empty spool. 

  Lots of squares and a few random placed wonky stars here.  I used a medium stipple to quilt, except for the little swirl in the star centers.  I have tons of tails to bury on this one.  I know I am out of practice because I kept getting myself stuck in a corner around the stars.  So I had to break thread and find a new position....oh, well.  I found my self-threading needles that I use to hide tails. 

  The last top is pinned and ready to go.  It is the lattice blocks.  I am just not quite sure how I will quilt it.  I will have to pull out my sketch book of FMQ motifs and see what will work best. 
  In the meantime, I have tails to hide, and more binding to stitch together.  Both of these, well, all three really will have scrappy mixed bindings.  Might as well get them all sewn and ready for finishing. 
  We are expecting rains this weekend and some cooler temps for next week.  It has been stifling around this part of the world for the last month.  Wet air that smothers you like a heavy blanket.   Hoping we can slip up to the Apple Farm in NC and grab some early apples next week......I have a taste for some apple bread. 
Happy stitching.

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