I uncovered Hot Legs, my Tiara mid-arm. What a machine! It has been sitting for at least two months and fired up and stitched just perfectly. I only had to barely touch the tension when I changed thread cones.
Gentle swirls with tails for the quilting on this one. The pattern is Crossroads from Connie at Freemotion by the River. Love this pattern, which I have made before. Note the binding....all ready to attach and wound up on an empty spool.
Lots of squares and a few random placed wonky stars here. I used a medium stipple to quilt, except for the little swirl in the star centers. I have tons of tails to bury on this one. I know I am out of practice because I kept getting myself stuck in a corner around the stars. So I had to break thread and find a new position....oh, well. I found my self-threading needles that I use to hide tails.
The last top is pinned and ready to go. It is the lattice blocks. I am just not quite sure how I will quilt it. I will have to pull out my sketch book of FMQ motifs and see what will work best.
In the meantime, I have tails to hide, and more binding to stitch together. Both of these, well, all three really will have scrappy mixed bindings. Might as well get them all sewn and ready for finishing.
We are expecting rains this weekend and some cooler temps for next week. It has been stifling around this part of the world for the last month. Wet air that smothers you like a heavy blanket. Hoping we can slip up to the Apple Farm in NC and grab some early apples next week......I have a taste for some apple bread.
Happy stitching.
You've been busy especially with your heat - that kind of heat just wears me out. Hope your pain gets better as you get some cooler temps. Nice quilting! I hope you get those apples - apple bread does sound good! ~Jeanne
Really happy to see you post again. Surely fall will arrive sometime. We've been struggling with heat here too.
Thrilled to see your work and you working. Love scrappy bindings almost as much as stripe ones. So sorry about the weather effect. At times, I wish I had a mid arm as the long arm is such a space hogger that I am in the basement (yuck) and the learning curve and degree of difficulty such as with diagonals is much tougher.
It was good to see your post. We are having the same heat problems here as you are. That humidity sure doesn't help things. You've been busy & producing some lovelies to finish up. Hope you get to the orchard. I know how you love that apple bread. Take care & keep cool!
The heat as been debilitating for all of us. If it were not for AC, I think I would just lay down and quit.
I have been considering a machine like the Tiara. I discovered that it is essentially a re-branded Sweet 16. And I am going this weekend to look at the Sweet 16.
Good to hear from you and see what you've been up to. I think the weather has been affecting everyone in one way or another. We have no AC, so the heat keeps me from both the garden and the quilting. A few days of cooler, drier air is forecast, but heat returns next week. We do what we can, I guess. I'm going off in search of some local peaches today.
I figured the weather had you. Just sent a couple of my new followers to your blog as they were interested in the Chandelier Bead Blocks - sent them to the source.
Oh, I hear you on the heat! Thank goodness for air-conditioning - it's a must-have in my book! Glad to see you are back sewing - love your projects - ;))
Staying in the air conditioning is a very good idea, and allows a bit of stitching, too! I love that little swirl in the star centers :)
You have been busy and inside is the place to be in the hot weather. I have had the highest electric bills ever with all of the AC.
This year has been particularly bad with the humidity but the cooler weather started at the same time school started. They timed it perfectly! You are making great progress - three quilts in a row!
The heat has been brutal this year, and the dog days are certainly here. We are supposed to cool off some later today. I'll be happy if the humidity goes down, it has rained every afternoon for some time now. I am ready for autumn!!
I hope you got the promised cooler weather, dealing with the heat and especially the high humidity is so oppressive and wearying. My pain level definitely goes down with the cooler dryer weather. Fall seems to be just around the corner here with highs in the low 70s and nights in the upper 40s - a couple of two-quilt nights already! Your stitching looks great to me, I don't mind burying the threads, it gives a break every once in a while from the FMQ, or a good evening activity while watching a bit of TV.
Looks like you're getting lots done. Hope it cooled down for you--it did here for a few days. Apples--yes!! We have had lots of peaches and there are tons of pears waiting to ripen but our apple trees are young so I think we'll try to hit an orchard this weekend or next.
We had a taste of Fall before the heat came back. Hopefully Fall will be here soon.
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