It all began when I realized that the overhead light was causing too many shadows when I sewed., it was my head that was causing the shadows as I sewed. So I wanted to change around the sewing / cutting tables. This was discussed with Sir Old Man, who kindly agreed to move things. I mean did he really have a choice? He also suggested I go ahead and order the light kit for the LED lights that go under the machine neck....sounded good to me!

Moving the tables sounds easy, but it is what resides/hides/lives and breeds under the table that causes nightmares! At least for me. I am sure no one else is guilty of "stuffing" things the way I do. I decided to wait a while before we tackled the issue. So instead I asked Sir Old Man if he had any empty parts bins in the shop that I could use to corral my strings into color families for the string quilt. He kindly shared 4 from the shop....but wait, I have more colors with which to work. to Northern Tool---one of his favorite haunts---for parts bins. Luckily the bins were on sale, and he added a few more for the shop.
Looking in to the closet |
I needed to move a shelf---out of the closet, it was too cramped anyway---- to hold the bins.....and to move the shelf, I had to unload the fabric from it. Now, the picture should be much clearer......first find a place for the fabric, then move the shelf, then load the bins, then load the bins with strings and strips! Please note that these are after way was I showing the before or during!!
Note: I store my fabric of a yard or more on mini-bolts with foam core board as the center. I collect the yard signs after elections, wash them off, and cut to the size I want! I realize I lose some space with the foam core, but I fold fabric once, roll it onto the board, and it is done.
I also use it as a base under the bolts so they do not slip through the wire grid shelf. Some bolts are in milk crate bins.
Closet inside view from the doorway. |
The closet had to be re-arranged once again. But 98% of my fabric is in there. This part of the redo was needed, as it had been at least 2 years since I straightened things up. The flat bins and drawers hold smaller cuts and I sort them by color family mainly.
I am so grateful / fortunate to have a separate sewing room and closet that is still full of fabric. I need to quit "hoarding" so much and use up more!
The sewing space:
From the door into sewing space. |
The sewing and cutting tables were shifted in the center of the room. The sewing machine had been where the cutting table is now.
And sacrifices had to be made.....4 bags worth of old fabrics from garment making days went to donation center this morning. It was time to free up some space and I feel better for it.
Right behind my chair is the ironing board....and those bins that helped start all this are right there too. I also stacked all the thread containers there too. So nice to have things together and in one place.
When I need more support by the machine when I am machine quilting a "biggie", I can easily swing the ironing board around and use it for support.
The bookcases have been dusted, and books sorted and put back in some semblance of order.
Two full days and I believe I need some stitching time.....maybe tomorrow. I need to try out the new light set that just arrived.
Hope you enjoyed the peek into my stitching realm......happy stitching.