So I spent a couple of hours cleaning out the upper cabinet of the Hoosier where I have my ironing space. With it empty, the guys can easily move it on sliders for the foundation repair. And I won't panic over it being damaged. Some things were tossed, lots of ribbon and beads to pass on to Sandy, and one box of items to keep. I feel better about it all.
I finished going thru books and magazines to empty the book cases. Wow, I have 2 boxes of books to pass on, and plenty of magazines too. I was proud of myself for only keeping 4 magazines! Of course, I have a good stack of tear outs to sort later.
And another find......three beautiful old hankies. I knew I had some of these around. Not sure if they were part of my Mother's collection, but probably. I am looking at Pinterest for ideas on how I will use them. Under consideration are blocks to make a table runner, or three butterfly blocks for a small wall hanging. They need a good wash before I do anything with them.
For May, I am planning another light month. Rather than not get things done, I hope I can do a little.
- Quilt the 9 patch top.
- If time, quilt the watercolor top, too!
- Second workshop for the Busy Bees.....prep the handouts and fabric packs.
- Work on the blended rail fence blocks.
- Continue leader/ender 4 patch units.
- Move the fabric out of the stash closet......for the repair work.
I am making some bread this afternoon. Happy stitching.