Is anything more finger pointing than that? Who has been peeking in my head? There are no coincidences in life....things happen for a reason even if you miss the point. Believe me I got the point on this one. Let nothing stop you, no matter where you are. Just keep getting back up.
The tree specialist said the severe pruning would or could cause a shock to the trees and shrubs. They might be slower growing this season. He words were to the effect they needed to re-group and rest a while. Once again......another person's words were directed right at me. I get quite frustrated/upset/annoyed even when I need more rest than usual. So this double whammy to me needs to be remembered.
Enjoy family time this weekend. Happy Easter......happy stitching.
That little quote plugged me right in the eyes too! I hope you won't mind that I printed your picture with the words overlay; it will be on my refrigerator in a little magnetic plastic frame (or maybe on my bathroom mirror) as a constant reminder. I need that on a daily basis! Thanks so much for sharing the words in such a lovely way. ---"Love"
I think you embody that quotation, Debbie. I'm sure it is frustrating to be limited by your body, because you are a goer and a doer. But more than anyone I know, you do not let your limitations define you. You are always pushing the limits to redefine them!
I think we all have times when those wise words hit home, and as we get older those reminders need to keep coming more and more frequently. Happy Easter!
Lovely post and a Blessed Easter
That little quote packs a powerful punch! Sometimes I forget to be thankful for what I have and for what I can do; it's always nice to have a reminder. In your case, I think you are doing great! Enjoy this Blessed Easter. ~Jeanne
That tree was a beauty. Hope it comes back alright.
It seem that more than yourself needs to be reminded of wise limitation. I'm grateful that a reminder was all I got. I'm blessed. This Easter is being celebrated with a different heart and a renewed mind.
May you enjoy the celebration of our Risen Savior.
I too needed that fortune cookie reminder. Some days I feel like I can tackle the whole world....other days the world gets the best of me. Thanks for sharing it with us. May you & your family have a blessed Easter...He is Risen, He is Risen Indeed!
Don't let the bumps in the road keep you from going somewhere. I always wish I could sew faster, be smarter organizing, quilt faster, not have those physical ailments that put sand in my gears, and move farther than I can reach in design. I need the grace to not get so steamed up and flattened. I think you are doing terrific and are an inspiration to me!
I'm another who thinks the words in the fortune cookie could apply to me!! Hope you're feeling a little better today and can enjoy Easter!
Ancient Chinese Wisdom telling you what you already know and have been living for months now. We've all watched you get back up and fight on, maybe the universe just decided to reinforce that and give you a "atta girl".
That tree is beautiful.
Excellent reminders, delivered in a way that you (and I!) could hear them without getting defensive. I love that the first commenter "Love" is going to put your piney photo on his/her fridge as a magnet, too.
Good advice. - Now give yourself some time to rest and regroup!
Loved your post and the Father's sense of humor. Reminds me of some other wise words "think on these things---". As you remember His resurrection this weekend may you rejoice in your share in it as He lives IN you too!!! So glad your tree 🌲 will recover. And you too!👍❤️🤗🌲 peace. 🌅✝️
Debbie, you are the personification of this nugget of wisdom. You have been, and continue to be, an inspiration to us all. Enjoy your pruned and rejuvenated yard! I wish I could wave a magic wand and have the gardens cleaned up and improved. Happy Easter!
Sometimes we just need a reminder of our blessings, to help us remember that things could be so much worse.
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