but I sure hate the joining potion of the assembly. To be clear it is the corners that make me batty. So I tend to cut over-sized triangles to be sure everything fits. I only ended up with one set that had to be ripped out....because of a setting triangle going in the wrong direction. I am sure you never had that happen :)
Any way, by the time I reached this point 2 days ago, my wrist was in agony. Inflammation from over use and low pressure system, I think. So I haven't gotten the remainder of the border on, or even cut the strips. For now, this top is resting on the design wall. I moved on to something less strenuous.
I sewed up a few more garlic knot blocks. I had several people ask about how I would plan on setting them.......Not on point, lol.
So on a small design board I laid out a few blocks with all oriented in the same direction. Interesting how the background of light comes together in a "knot" that goes in the opposite direction in this layout.
My backgrounds are all light...muslin, tonal beige, etc. And since I am using up what ever I had leftover from other projects, not every block's background is entirely the same.
The second layout I tried is the linked in a circle style layout. The background lights come together and form a large open space, while the knots form a circular chain.
Check Pinterest if you want to see full size tops and quilts for a better idea. I like them both ways......but at this point I am undecided for the final layout.
This block is also called Arrowhead. For my version I am using 2'' squares and the blocks sew up to 6 1/2'' unfinished. I am using floral print scraps for the accent squares and trying to make a dent in my other 2'' strips for the main color.
You guessed it....I am making little headway!
I did mention floral fabrics didn't I? For a detour I am sewing up the rows of this watercolor......probably a table runner to be donation for guild auction. I can sew the rows, but not press until the wrist is less painful.
Sir Old Man will get the stitches out this next week.....and the eyes are done! He has been in the workshop a few times. He got sidetracked on a couple of small projects for the sewing room for me. I will share just as soon as he gets them finished. Happy stitching.