I originally planned to work using value as my guide. I wanted some blocks to be high contrast, and some low contrast, and then set them together based on the major value of the split square. sounded good, right? Well, just take my word for it, the setting was bad......way bad. It was choppy and yet contrived. On to plan 2.
I found myself getting just a little too matchy-matchy when selecting the inset strip. I forced myself to use what I picked up first as long as it did not absolutely clash or hurt the eyes. What I discovered.......it worked much better!
I have about 60 or so blocks ready, and I began to play around with another setting with half of them. I am liking this much better now. Yet, I do think I need more variety!
This sort of makes me giggle. Here I am throwing everything including the kitchen sink into one quilt, and I was just reading a couple of blogs that discussed the problem of using multi-color print scraps. Think I should ask for their cast offs?
So what do I mean when I say variety? To me, that means having a variety in scale of prints....large and small and geometric prints. I see a lot of tonal and 2 color prints here, so I need to add in prints with 3 or more colors. Right now, these are mainly from my box of leftovers from charm square exchanges. Looks like it is time to really de-stash my real stash. So August's project will be on-going for a couple of months, I think.
And June's Book It project.......is now a flimsy! A colorwash version of the scrappy trips.
I stopped at this size.....it is so heavy already. You forget how much fabric is in those seam lines. And I see a couple of blocks that got flipped when I put the rows together. Or did I mean to throw in a curve ball just for fun! I can live with it.
I am debating on a border, or not. I kind of like it as it is, and just use a dark binding. I will think on it, and get to it soon. For now, I am happy.....this one is not going anywhere but here.
Linking to Let's Book It at Vrooman's Quilts.