Yesterday Sir Old Man began installing the first set of 4 pull out shelf drawers in the island! They are full extension drawers with 4'' sides. And they retract so gently and smoothly.
The corner construction of the drawers are important. It is a double lock joint. A long story to explain.
The intention was to used half blind dove tail construction. It is a pretty detail, and it is a strong joint. Sir Old Man assured me about 3 weeks ago that he could whip them together in a couple of days at the guild workshop with the new jig and equipment there.
Off he went. The first day he returned home after 8 hours with the comment the router was acting up. Being the nice person that I am, I let it slide when he said tomorrow he would be finished. The second day he reported that he spent about 4 hours on the phone to the company about the jig and router, etc. I said..... what, nothing is done. UMMMM.....and you need more wood??? I am leaving a lot out because this is a nice post but it was clear that the equipment was useless and costing me money for wood. Sir Old Man is a nice guy, likes to help, was a service engineer for 35 years and thinks he can fix anything......and he almost can.
What followed was a long discussion about taking care of our projects and not trying to repair the guild's equipment. He is not paid to do that, and the maple for the drawers costs money. Plus, I told him I had a computer and credit card and had found a site from which to order the drawers. Cost was about $1200 . Sir Old Man made the wise decision that pretty dove tails were not that important and he could make the wonder, strong double blind joints in his own shop.
So these wonderful pull out shelves can hold a lot of dishes and bake ware. The specs say up to 80 pounds. And now those items that get stuck in the back of the cabinet are fully accessible. And the good news for Sir Old Man.....only about 10 more to do!
A great job from the workshop!
I have the pull out drawers too and love them. I used to spend time on my hands and knees with a flashlight trying to see what was in the back on the shelves.
Those drawers would be useful. Hubby got 3 different sizes of brad nailers (think nail gun) along with the compressor for (my) Mother's day. He has been busy building me sewing machine bases, and tables for his saw's, etc.
I love my pull out drawers. They are well worth it.
Pull out drawers are the best! My husband made a set of two of them almost 10 years ago and it was so much fiddling that he quit after that. A couple of years ago, I ordered some metal grid ones on line which were also a bit fiddly to install. I have two cupboards of those for all his gluten free flours and such and pans. When we converted the living room to my studio, I ordered some cabinets with shallow pull outs with the Kraftmaid cabinets because I was into rubber stamping and papercraft while I was still teaching. Now I use them for rulers, notions, tools, etc. and it would have been nice to have some deeper ones.
Envy. Yep, that's pretty much all that's coming from over here. Drawers are on the list for our remodel. Enjoy them!
I love my pull-outs. I thought I had a lot of them, but if S.O.M. has already done some and has 10 more to go, you MUST have a large kitchen!! I would love to see photos. My sister used to design kitchens, so it is something that has interested me as I have watched her work. : )
I'm so happy for you! Those pullouts are lifesavers. When our kitchen was water damaged earlier this year, I insisted on all drawers/pullouts with corner turntables in the new kitchen. Because I am getting old and can no longer stand on my head. They are wonderful. You will enjoy them.
Wow. I need someone like that to make pullout drawers for my kitchen!
So glad things have worked out and you are getting your pullout shelve drawers! I love mine (but had to use my credit card). They make life so much easier. ~Jeanne
We've had similar conversations here and the "I'll just buy it" usually works. I love the idea of drawers, David has been talking about shelves in the kitchen, but he's not the one that will be cleaning and dusting that clutter, but drawers would be amazing, hide the clutter and no dust, thanks for that awesome idea.
Whining has always been my method of choice. I perfected whining when my kids were little. You're going to love those pull out shelves. We had them before we remodeled our kitchen. When we remodeled it I went in favor of a large drawer. Kind of the same thing, only without the doors on the front.
Whining has never helped in my house...lucky for you that it gets the job done in yours. Those drawers look fabulous & beautiful. As you know, I love woodwork almost as much as quilting. You will love those pull out drawers.
Nice job, Sir Old Man!
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