After an excellent sandwich for lunch, I picked up mix for Corn Chowder, Beef Vegetable, Creamy Broccoli soup, and the Cucumber and Dill dip mix and a few others. So glad to know a source is nearby.....we will return.
Remember what time of year it is......Sir Old Man started with the Time Change conversation at dinner yesterday. I put my hand up and said STOP! Do not talk to me about it until 5 pm tomorrow. If you touch those clocks before then, I will not know when to fix dinner to feed you, and you might starve.
Then I smiled sweetly (ha!) and ate my dinner. I think I shocked him and he silently agreed to abide by my plan. He knows how out of sorts I get when the time changes.....in either direction.
Expect it.....I am pulling fabric for the Quiltville Mystery. I love the color scheme and plan to play along, if only in a smaller version. And I plan on stitching some more on the D4P and get it assembled into a top.
Happy stitching.
The time change always messes with me too. I would prefer to pick on and just stay with it.
Great trip! Do you know if any of the soup mixes are gluten free (husband with celiac)? I would like to do the mystery, but the orange has me stumped. I don't own any and where could I find it? No more LQS. Online, most sites don't have a color search option or it does not work well. If I can't find the oranges, I can't play. Lately, I have been in so much pain when sleeping, that the time change will add to the mix.
I miss our bulk store. An outing like this is always a good diversion. I hate the time change too - by body has been thinking of it for the last two weeks.
I'm ready for one time all year long, no need for time changes anymore. I love bulk food stores too, though I haven't found a good one near us yet. Enjoy your mystery quilt!
I don't like the adjustment to the time change either and I really do wish someone would explain it to my dogs!
I love bulk food stores and am so lucky to have one close to home. Glad you found one closer than VA. Enjoy the mystery quilt - I know it will be fun! ~Jeanne
The country store sounds like fun. I just wish DH liked road trips & we could go out venturing every now & then. :) I looked into Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt but can't make a full size quilt. How are you going to reduce yours down to a smaller version. Someday I'd like to try a mystery quilt. The time change is the pits for me. I want to be like Arizona & Hawaii & stay the same time ... all the time.
Life is stressful enough. I like my movies to be light-hearted entertainment. :)
Sounds like you found a fun place to shop!
DH moves the time on our clocks just before he goes to bed on Saturday, and since I am a night owl, I spend the next couple of hours confused. I am almost embarrassed to admit it, but I am one of those lucky people that is not really bothered by the time changes.
I know folks get upset by the time change, but it doesn't bother me. It's harder to adjust to the one in spring, but the one in fall...hey, an extra hour? I love that. Why can't we do this every day! Nice find in that country store.
The Hochstetler's Country Store sounds like a fun place to check out. Hope you can rest and adjust to the time change but know it will take a few days.
DH got up after lunch and proceeded to turn back the hands of time throughout the house yesterday, and while I was sewing and listening to a book in the basement, got a bit confused about the time when I thought I had missed getting dinner ready. Guess it doesn't take much to confuse an octogenarian!
DH and I also had a talk about the time change. "Are you going to change all the clocks?" "Uh, I thought you were going to do that." "Well, we need to decide who does it or we'll be off by different times on different clocks depending on whether one of us, both of us, or neither of us touched that clock!"
No matter. The clock says one time but my body says BEDTIME...
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