Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Little progress on the spool blocks


  I finally decided I had enough spool blocks.  I am beginning to join the rows.  I did the arrange and re-arrange thing on the design wall, got tired of it, and just began to sew.  When it is so scrappy, you can spend a decade moving things around to make it perfect.  Not happening here..... I just need to see some progress here.


    And the leader and ender project continues.   For every 2 blocks I made of the spools, I put together one of the Easy/Breezy blocks.  I have a stack of them already.   So they will continue to be my L/E while I am putting together the hourglass blocks.  

    A few of the hourglass blocks from this week.  Again I am working very scrappy because I am using whatever I find  in my bin.  I will plan my placement a little bit with this in time to get some nice dark pinwheels to appear in the block on point.   
  FYI....I am beginning with 5'' squares sewn on diagonal.  The hourglass block shown here are 4'' unfinished.  

    We took a day trip to NC for apples and stopped for lunch.  Actually, it was the first time to eat out in 7 months!  What a treat!  The fall colors were appearing.    This year of 2020 has altered my perspective of so much.  It was nice to be somewhere other than here for a few hours.   
  Days have warmed back up for the next week, night are cool.  I keep checking on the large hickory tree out front.  It has the most glorious golden yellow when our leaves hit the peak.  Otherwise, life is much the same.  
Happy stitching.                                                         


Mary said...

Love your spool blocks and envy your outing. Enjoy the season.

Ray and Jeanne said...

So glad you got to get out for apples and lunch. It is so exciting to leave the house. ~Jeanne

Linda Swanekamp said...

Great that you got out and just enjoyed the day! Love the spool blocks. The florals are terrific. Love the scrappy look on the hourglass. I just adore good scrappy- so much more interesting to look at. Hope the cooler weather helps you to feel better.

Shelina said...

Both sets look like great sewing. I agree that when you have scrappy blocks, you can get stuck with analysis paralysis and the extra time doesn't necessarily result in a better quilt.

Gene Black said...

I agree with you about scrappy blocks. It is better to sew them together than to stress over placement. It always "looks like" you could have done better, but when you move 'just one' suddenly you need to move four more.

I haven't eaten out yet, but I have had takeout a couple of times.

Pamela Arbour said...

You are doing good with your blocks. I just can't seem to get my head on straight to do the leader/ender thing. I am sure I would get my projects mixed up! LOL

LA Paylor said...

yes you could spend a lifetime moving blocks around and once sewn you couldn't imagine any other way

Quilting Babcia said...

I think part of the joy of making scrappy quilts is that you don't need to fuss about block placement (unless you want to of course!), and they are always so pretty just as they fall. I love your hourglass blocks, because of their scrappiness, and envision someday making a quilt with a big wide border made up of hourglass blocks. Too bad mine always turn out wonky... Your day trip sounds like just what you both needed. We went grocery shopping yesterday and took a side trip to a big (for here) farm stand/barn and picked up apples, some wonderful tomatoes, squash, cukes, and green peppers. Hoping they will still be open next time we get up that way.

Cheree @ The Morning Latte said...

I do NOT like to rearrange blocks because I know once I get started, I'll rearrange the whole thing to death overthinking it all. Love the scrappy look of these projects! Glad you got out and the hickory tree sound glorious! (I have to admit I immediately thought of how nice any falling limbs would flavor things in the smoker...LOL)

Louise said...

Super scrappy is the best! And of course your scraps are abundantly and beautifully floral. I rearrange my blocks less and less now that I'm leaning into the scrappiness. Life is short! Let the blocks fall where they may :)

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Sounds like a great day trip getting apples. Great progress on your scrappy projects.

Nicki said...

The hour spool blocks are really coming along nicely & am anxious to see what you do with them all for the grand finale. I love the leader/ender blocks & am ready to see a finished project on that. I need to do leader/enders one of these days.
I've never been or even seen an apple orchard. What a delight that must be. I bet there's nothing to compare to a fresh picked apple. I bet there are apple cakes, muffins, bread, etc. in your upcoming plans.
Stay safe, happy & thankful.

Janet O. said...

You are making progress on several fronts.
I enjoy seeing all of these traditional blocks in your pretty florals.
Wasn't it nice to get out?
When we went to Yellowstone last month it was the first time we had eaten in a restaurant in over 6 months. Almost felt human again.
Enjoy your warm and golden days while they last!

Mystic Quilter said...

Your spool blocks are going to make one beautiful quilt when all stitched together, you must be pleased! Love your Hourglass blocks Debbie and seeing your florals used in this pattern have given me an idea for my two drawerfuls of early Hoffman florals1

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Glad you are stitching. All the blocks are nice.

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