Take the time to pin....again, take the time to pin. Save yourself the frustration of using that seam ripper. Ask me how I know. I pin about 6 to 8 inches at the top and then move to the bottom of the braid strip and pin about 6 to 8 inches. Then before I pin any more, I flip open the pinned area and view it from the front. See the arrows and the white note card in the top photo---I check to make sure seams are matching at these points. They may be off a fraction or so, but you don't want them to be staggered across the quilt top. (Aren't the arrows cool? Got them by editing in picnik from Picasa.)
OK, got off track.....If the seams are matching, then I go back and finish pinning the entire length of the strip. If the braid has stretched---probably there will be some---you need to ease in the fullness to fit to the sashing. If the seams are off, then you need to shift either up or down to get them lined up.
So how do you ease in fullness?

Press. Press the seam from the back....use an up and down motion, instead of pushing the iron. Then turn it over to the front and press again and check for tuck or puckers. Don't ignore the pressing.
I have 7 rows joined...so far so good. Two more and then on to the borders at the top and bottom. More black fabric arrived and needs to be washed before I can finish this one.
I don't do new years resolutions....I know I won't keep them. I prefer to reflect on what I've learned and done. And along the way, I pray I touched someone, and given them inspiration.
It's not the breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away.
Happy New Year and happy stitching,