I'm playing again this month.......I am glad I decided to keep it simple this month since we were gone for part of it. I managed to hit most of my goals.
My official New FO for May is the Buzz Saw quilt. All the units are sewn, and about a third of them are joined into blocks. No new photo as my camera died today! But you get the idea.

All the narrow strings and slivers from the Buzz Saw blocks were used to make 4 snack mats---9" by 12". Oops....they are completed FOs! But I think that counts.
Second unofficial NewFO.....I started a class at Craftsy --- Art Quilt Backgrounds: Beyond Log Cabins. I managed to squeeze in 3 lessons and have several more to view. The first 3 covered fabric selections, and wonky piecing of the log cabins. I'm looking forward to the rest of the topics, especially the screen printing technique and surface designs.
June plans: Once again, I am keeping it very simple for this next month.
- Get the Buzz Saw blocks joined.
- Quilt, quilt, quilt.....at least one of the tops in the pile.
- Pin baste the water color string quilt.
- Work on string blocks for Faceted Jewels II.
- Finish up the art quilt class on Craftsy.
Linking to Cat Patches for this month's Linky Party. Be sure to check out all the links and see what is going on.
Happy stitching.