I had commented I was putting her book on my Christmas list, and she offered to send me a copy for my recovery. Happy dancing here.
So I did an intense read and decided to begin today on my focus banner for 2017. Nothing like the present to set a future course.
The book is a great read, and I love the extra tips that Lara includes. Her directions are clear and easy to understand. It is not a complicated technique, it just takes a little planning and prepping. So if you haven't gotten a copy.....put it on your Christmas list. There's time:)
Along the way, as I prepared my fabric for the words I want to use, I discovered a new use for campaign yard signs. I slipped one inside a trash bag for my prepping. And that is all I will say about it for now.
It was time to begin work on the letter patterns for the applique. Next, I pulled out my orphan block box. I found a couple of blocks I loved that I could incorporate into the banner. And then the improv/free piecing of the background. I have a large zip lock bag of neutral strips, and pieces that come in handy for creating mixed backgrounds.
I had a rough sketch as a guide to what I wanted. I knew that I wanted an off set layout, and that a bit of color in some orphan blocks would be a good thing. At this point, I need to square up the bottom and check to be sure I have enough room for the letters.
You can get an idea of the type of piecing I am using....strips, chunks, a few 4 patch units, and a couple of blocks. It is a matter of finding things that fit, and pressing well. Square up the sides as you go:)
And the first letter is a "B". I am using a lot of batik scraps for the words.
I did a search for alphabets for applique. I found a couple that I decided to work from because the size was about right. I traced over the block style letters I needed, adding a little curve and personality to them. I added an extra strip across the bottom on the final size to be sure I had enough length.
I did a small bit of cutting with the rotary cutter---no problem. The pressing is worse on the hand, so I pulled out the lighter travel iron to use. Much better.
I got the lab results for my B12 level.....even with the monthly shots, it is too low for my nerves to heal and maintain my body. I see the doctor on Friday to discuss a different shot schedule. I seem to do well for a couple of weeks after the shot, but feel my energy level drop by the third week.
I'm done for today.....happy stitching.
For sure, Lara is a sweetie! She did a fantastic job writing her book with such clarity and an inspiring range of projects. I'm hoping to make a wall hanging after the first of the year using her technique. I love the soft neutrals you've put together for your banner background. Go ahead and have 'way too much fun' - you deserve it!
I bought Lara's book and am using the technique to make cards. I like this method because I don't like fusible stuff. She is generous and is dealing with her own health issues also. I pray they figure out a way to make the B12 stick to your insides.
I use freezer paper for stabilizing the fabric while I do what I expect you are doing with the campaign signs in the trash bag. Then I clip the freezer paper on a clip board. :-)
Have you tried supplementing your shots with B12 tablets? Mom's physician told us that many people absorb b12 from the tablets just fine. And the tablets seem to be working for her and for me. Before he mentioned that I was doing a sublingual dose. You can't overdose on B12 as it is water soluble. You will only make "expensive urine" if you take too much.
This is going to be a neat banner, Debbie! I think it's great that you are using orphan blocks that you love. A nice tie from your past in to your future goal. You've got me wracking my brain for words that start with B now! :)
Hm, maybe for right now it's "B12 stability"....
I think this is off to a great start (and I am thinking of "B" words, too).
Praying that they can get to the bottom of the B12 issue--and fast!
I have that book, but haven't spent much time looking at it. Maybe that'll be my first solo Let's Book It project after the first of the year. Hope they get this B12 thing figured out. Good grief.
I am happy to hear the hands are doing well, but so wish they could figure out the B12 issue.
Looks like you are having fun creating. I'd be interested in seeing how she does her applique. Good luck with the B12 adjustments.
Great work on the new banner. It's going to be a beauty. Hope the Dr. has a solution for the B12 problem.
What a good start!!! Hope you and the doc can sort out a new schedule for your B12 injections.
Whatever it's going to say, it will be beautiful. That is so Lara to send you a book, she's such a good person. I just made a huge project using her method.
Somehow I didn't spot this post until today! I am very intrigued by this project. Hoping you get a new approach for maintains those B12 levels that gives you more lasting relief.
Just signed up for your emails so that I stop missing your posts Debbie.
I am so glad you are doing better and hope they figure out how to get you completely on an even keel. What happened is so scary.
I'm tickled pink that you read the book so eagerly and have already started using the method on your beautiful banner. I love the background you created! Thank you for the genropus shout out about my book. :)
"genropus" LOL. Sorry for the typo.
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