Good news is my brother got word his power was back on. He headed home on Thursday....bad news there was water damage in the apartment, and the AC went out. No idea how long repairs will take when his turn comes. Until then.....??? How quickly the storm damage and residents with damages fade from our view and news. And then another disaster happens.
Finally I am back in the sewing room for a little stitching time. I am webbing the top together of the floral scrappy mountain blocks. The first 3 columns are together....and I am taking a short break.

It's been an up and down week or so for me .....a couple of good sessions at PT followed by a bad couple of days and then a poor session on Thursday. I have an evaluation on next Tuesday. If I don't have enough improvement, I will not be continuing. That is the way the health care system is need the therapy but your measured numbers don't show enough improvement and you are gone. It is kind of funny in a sad way. I try each day, but the body often does not cooperate.
But then I never did fit into anyone's box. Besides I would rather be quilting! Happy stitching.
Good to read that you're back in the sewing room, but sorry to read that you didn't have a good week. It's a sorry state of affairs when you're gone if you don't make the improvement they think you should, every one of us progresses at different rates and for various reasons. I realise that sometimes there is truly not likely to be an improvement in a condition and then, as you say, quilting comes into the therapy!!
I hope they see enough improvement. So much bad weather, etc, going on in so many places. Almost overwhelming.
I am sorry you had a bad week. Hoping you have some great weeks coming soon. It's nice to see you are doing some sewing; I think that is good therapy especially when other things aren't going well. Glad your brother was able to head back home albeit to a big mess. I'm sure he was anxious to be there. I hope he gets settled soon. It just seems like we are having one major disaster after another - they can stop any time! The calendar says Fall but it is hot here - in the upper 90s today - way too warm for northern Illinois. Good luck with your evaluation on Tuesday. ~Jeanne
Lovely wreath, and I'm happy you're back in the sewing room. We're looking for a slight cool down this coming week. I hope you get approved for more PT!
I love the scrappy mountain majestic florals!! There will always be disasters, but how we respond to them and enjoy the good times is the core of living with joy. I will pray that your numbers will be enought to keep getting PT. It took me a year to recover from a bad foot sprain with PT. I fell in a pothole last July and was released from PT this July, and have pain yet, but flexibility and stability have returned so I walk without a limp. Can your doctor determine some tweaking to medication or treatments to minimize the bad? I love your work- it makes me smile looking at it.
Too bad about your brother's apartment. I suppose it's a time to practice patience, but that's easy to say when you're not the one who's living with the mess. Hope your PT numbers go the way you want them to. By that I mean PT if you want it or bad numbers if you don't. PT is a drag, and I've had plenty for my neck, knee, and shoulders. It's not always a given that the results are worth the effort, time, and expense.
I am sorry to hear about your brother's apartment damage. Not having A/C in Florida is rough.
I don't fit well in those medical boxes either - that can be frustrating at times.
Bummer on the PT and your brother's apartment damage. Lack of AC and abundance of moisture lead to mold. Hope he gets back to normal soon. Love the floral scrappy mountain majesties.
Keeping good thoughts for your evaluation. Take care of yourself.
Praying for a good evaluation on Tuesday & that things can move forward for you. So sorry your brother had damage in his apartment. I know that he is on an emotional roller coaster right now. It's so hard to pick up pieces after such devastating storms.
Your door wreath is really pretty. We are all waiting for that cooler weather down here in Texas.
The floral mountain blocks are beautiful!
Fall showed up in our house a month ago ;) and finally hit outside just a couple days ago. Cool temps and lots of rain--you know I'm loving it! Glad your brother was able to head home & hope conditions improve soon! Will be praying for a good outcome at e evaluation :).
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