We deliberately did not discuss the time change, nor were any clocks changed until Sunday morning. Much less stress that way, I thought. All clocks were changed....except the one in the sewing room. So now I feel my whole week is just "off" . Once again!
But all the Boxed Square blocks are joined...so far. Just one more row to add and I will call it done.
Just to give you a tease.....I made a few of the Log Cabin blocks to test my measurements for the planned next project. They went together quickly and now it will be cutting and planning layouts for starting these.
I heard from Linda and she jumped in and has a set of 4 done already. So glad she is working on these too.
For anyone else who plans on sewing along....remember the whole point to this layout is to blend values and get a trellis or sashing effect from the darkest value.
I have some large squares and strips cut. This is how I am laying them out. They are in the position they will be sewn in. I can squint a little bit and see if the blending is working before I sew. If one strips is too light or dark in a position, I can shuffle thru the stack and find one I like better.
Once I am satisfied with the group, I am clipping them together until they are sewn.
For good measure I did a couple more garlic knot blocks..... I am working them in as leader and enders.
These are quite addictive too. I am enjoying playing with the colors and matching them up for different combos.
Happy stitching.
I hate DST too, I hate having to get up an hour earlier in the dark, and it gets late before I know it. I wish we could just pick standard or daylight time and just keep it instead of the switching back and forth. It doesn't save any money as it was supposed to do.
I actually prefer daylight savings time. Before I retired, I liked it for the extra hours of daylight when I got home from work. Now I like it to be darker so I can sleep in a bit longer in the mornings. But I agree with Carole, I would like to pick one and just stick with it all year.
Time change gets to me too. It really messes with one's body clock. It looks like you got a lot done though. Love the garlic knots - that's a block I've never made. ~Jeanne
Ha, was waiting for your rant on DST - I think it needs to be done away with completely. I love the floral cabin blocks. I don't have enough of these types of fabrics to play along, but will enjoy watching. The Garlic Knot is a fun block and you are coming along with those nicely.
I had a similar experience with the time change. Seemed like I barely got out of bed, and the day was over. I happen to like DST...I just wish we’d stay on it year-round. In the Northwest, it makes mornings very dark, but I love the extra daylight in the evening, especially in summer.
Boxed Squares looks beautiful!
I understand DST messes with many people, and I am sorry about that. I haven't had those struggles and have enjoyed the extra light at days end during the warmer months.
Lovely floral cabins (half cabins?) shaping up there, Debbie! Of course, no one does florals as well as you do, so I just know this will turn out great :)
Florida just voted to keep DST, so it will be interesting to see how that plays out in the fall when we won't "fall back." Arizona does it, but Florida has a bigger economy, I think.
Love your three blocks Debbie, really beautiful! Oh, the dreaded time change, we'll be doing that next month I think, darker earlier in the eavening and lighter in the morning, it all takes some time to get into gear.
I change my clocks at 8pm the night before. That way I tend to go to bed a bit earlier, so the lost hour isn't so difficult for me. Really good, since my guilds bi-annual quilt show is always time change weekend, and I have to be there extra early on Sunday morning (or people play with my machines). I was going to cut fabrics for a few blocks, but, I'm out of state again (BFF's mother died). Not much sewing getting done by me in Feb/Mar.
I had the exact same thing happen to me! Every DLS, my husband goes around and changes all the clocks--but my sewing room. And yep, I was sewing away when it was time to make dinner. Looking forward to watching your log cabin grow!
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