It is way to hot to have a quilt in the lap for quilting even at the machine.......So I went looking for signs.....
The small shrub rose in the back is having the second blush of blooms. If the Fall is mild enough, some of the roses will hang on until November. The hummingbird feeder hangs just above this bush. It is good to enjoys the beautiful blooms and watch the antics of those hummingbird above.
Lady Writing Spider returns once again this year. Always by late August, we can find one of them in the back garden. This year, we have spotted three webs with writing.
Usually I am running the other direction when I see a spider....had a very bad reaction to a bite once......but I like to see her work the magic into her web. She is a huge one, easily 2'' long, and the writing strand is about 6'' long. Oh....and please ignore the weeds that appear in the midst of the browning daylilies:)

And this sign must be a sign.....I know I illegally saved it, but could not resist.
I would love this to post on my sun room wall. It's a perfect reminder that tomorrow will be a better day.
I always can use a swift kick by Dr. Seuss to keep me looking up, remind me the glass is half full, and just keep getting back up. For sure, Fall is coming.
Neat post--love that Dr. Seuss saying so true hugs, Julierose
The heat index here was very high yesterday also. I worked up a sweat walking from the store back to my car. Sheesh!
I have read that those spiders eat mosquitoes too, so I would try to leave her there.
Our days are much cooler but the forecast is for more heat. I totally understand that it is too warm to have a quilt on your lap for hand or machine stitching. Hope you cool off soon. I love the Dr. Suess saying. ~Jeanne
Good morning Debbie....It's been way too cold here in the burbs of Chicago, but warmer weather is forthcoming this week. We were gone for a few days and when we returned, our house was colder than it was in the garage and outside. During the nighttime hours, it's been in the low 50's, so that accounted for the internal temp, I guess. I absolutely refuse to turn on the heat at this time of year, especially since 70 and low 80 degree temps are returning this week. I've never heard of your spider and think she is quite beautiful, and talented too. lol The spiders have been unusually prevalent this year, spinning their webs everywhere. Just walking out the door, we kept running into them. My tomato plants were loaded with them, even though I removed them daily, those little buggers spun another one day after day.
I remember those spiders from my childhood on the farm, walking through the rows of corn and being stopped in my tracks by one of those huge webs and scary spiders. Now I usually have one in my front garden every year.
Oh, that heat sounds stifling--especially at this point in the year!
I hope it changes soon, and that Fall really is in the air.
The spider is fascinating, and I love the saying from Dr. Suess. Great words by which to live!
I've seen a couple of hummers in the past few weeks. Feeders are full & ready for more to enjoy. I know those spiders to be Banana Spiders & they have such strong, strong webs...they don't even break when you run into them by accident(ask me how I know...:)) I'm keeping a close eye on Hurricane Florence & praying for your safety. Love the Dr. Seuss sign!
I was thinking about the weather threat heading your way. Keeping you in my prayers. Also, I’ve always wondered about those spiders. We have them too.
Great philosophy in that sign! I hope you have a plan to stay safe and know where to go if Florence gets too close. Please post an update after the storm so we know you're OK!
Great sign. I've had four of those big spiders put webs across the veranda, and I cannot let them stay. They eat a lot of bugs, but I refuse to give the veranda to them, they can just go build in the forest. I wish it was cooler too. We are being told to batten down the hatches and stock up on necessities in case we get high winds, flooding water and power outages. Are you near the coast?
We're not supposed to have weeds in our day lilies? Oops! Oh well, mine are staying. We've finally had some cooler, dryer air. It will be back in the 80's for the weekend, but, hopefully the humidity is gone for good.
You have such beautiful quilts. I love floral and scrappy. There is so much inspiration on your pages.
Thank you, Dr. Seuss! I have at least one garden spider every year. This year's has been among the tomatoes and I cannot tell you how many times I almost walked right into it! Yikes! But they are good and I always leave them alone. She's had babies at least once and looks huge again. Legs and all I'd have to say easily 3+ inches. I hope the storm doesn't hit you too hard. I'm traveling to the east coast soon so I'm a little concerned, though I've not watched any weather. Just hearing about it from others.
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