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Made by Shelia |
From the Quilt Show 2017 style!
I borrowed/stole a couple of photos of friends to share.
Stained Glass Cathedral Window quilt was 12 years in the making. This is a close up of part of the big, huge thing! It has traveled with Shelia, been an ever-present take along project for so many years that she is sad it is finished. Well, maybe not, because I saw a big grin on her face.
Working the Admissions Desk with Sarge was exhausting. You have to know her to believe how much energy she consumes! As a man was leaving the show he asked if any quilts were for sale. There was one he was interested in. Yep, this one.......Sarge priced it at "OH, about $20,000." We had to giggle when he thought it was too much.
Now, the story about Sarge.
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Made by Susan |
She has grown as a quilter......
from someone who said she didn't do scrappy quilts (afraid to use more than 3 fabrics in a quilt) to a quilter who can finish a Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt in style. Her En Provence is just beautiful!
I have to share these two.....just because:) One made by Shelia from a workshop I did, and the other by Fannie. Love them both!
A highlight of the Saturday at the Quilt show was the covering of 3 veterans by Quilts of Valor. Word had spread about the ceremony and men began arriving.
This list of medals and service by this vet was amazing.....he served 3 tours.
The words Marietta read for the presentation of the quilts was so touching. The line that really struck a chord was, "A Quilt of Valor is the highest award a civilian can give a veteran in recognition of his service."
The three recipients are here wrapped in their quilts, and flanked by the Honor Guard of SC, who escort and honor veterans in events on their motorcycles.
I was only able to do a quick tour of the rest of the show.....a bit too crowded for me to do photos....and my knee gave out. So Susan took the QOV photos for me....thanks.
Keep stitching.
always nice to see a show! sorry about the knee problems - not fun
What great eye candy. Thanks for sharing!
I would love to know what she says to them as she presents the QOV's. We've given several to guys in our church and I always wish what was said was a tad more meaningful (though I know they're always touched by the gesture).
If the man inquiring about the price on that Cathedral Windows quilt had any idea how many dollars, hours, and sheer determination went into that quilt, he would have a stroke! While many of us might have giggled too, I doubt any quilter would agree to sell such a beauty at any price! I surely wouldn't! The QOV quilts are very pretty too, and I'm sure the guys appreciated receiving them. ---"Love"
Love the QOV! Maybe I should make some small colorwashes to get myself going, huh?
I love the comment about the Quilt of Valor being the highest honor a civilian can bestow on a veteran. How true, and what a heartfelt gesture.
Thanks for sharing the pics; always like to see QOV’s.
Absolutely love the comment: "A Quilt of Valor is the highest award a civilian can give a veteran in recognition of his service." ~Jeanne
How lovely, both the quilts and the ceremony. I am proud to be a quilter for QOV too.
I can imagine that quilt taking 12 years. I always love QoV presentations.
I think I would like Sarge. :)
That is a gorgeous Cathedral Windows quilt.
Thanks for the glimpses of the QOV ceremony. I have never witnessed one in person.
I love those photos of the veterans getting their quilts! Thank you so much for sharing that part of your day. I'm moved by those words, too!
Thanks for the photos of the QOV presentation. Warms my heart to see these men get recognized for their sacrifice for us. Those 2 colorwash pieces are so pretty. You are a great teacher. The scrappy quilt is absolutely beautiful. I'm not a fan of scrappy unless it looks like it's got some order to it. This one meets that criteria for me. I love it! I could never spend 12 years on a quilt. What a masterpiece that Cathedral Quilt is. Thanks for a great blog full of wonderful things.
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