I toyed with the idea of Bonnie's new leader and ender block project, the Shoo Fly block. I think I would enjoy it larger rather than the 4 or 6 inch version. Since I am not in the mood to figure it out or do the math, I am passing for right now.
Are you sensing a theme in my mood....right now? Maybe it is the heat and humidity, or it could be the summer doldrums that has me unsettled and unfocused. When I get this way, I tend to return to a favorite pattern that I did enjoy.
Looking into the stash closet, I saw a couple of partial packages of pre-cut charms squares in the batik basket. I never buy those pre-cuts, so I am pretty sure, they were won several years back. Then the floral fabric shelves are overflowing and need to be organized. That means pulling things out and refolding or stacking. So if I am going to handle things once, I am going to make it count for something.
This is a scrappy quilt made by in 2014, and given away. I always liked the movement and variety in the pattern. So with lots of 5'' squares to use up, a plan came to mind. Cutting squares and strips from lots of floral fabrics, finding some extra batiks for narrow strips, I have been busy in between the ripping.

I am only about half way thru the re-organizing right now. I have a few blocks to show for it. And that is enough for right now to get me working on a project that I can enjoy.
Happy stitching.
I love all the photos you shared. I have a charm sized quilt started with the lattice pieces in it that has sat in a bag for too long. I always take it along to a retreat, but it never comes out. I have so many things I would love to sew, but can't get to it all. I am glad you are sewing something. Sewing anything makes me happy. Having thread shredding issues on the long arm does not.
the new blocks are really lovely--I get caught by those hot weather doldrums, too; nothing feels right--no energy...pffft--it just flew away...
some cooling breezes --much to be hoped for--will take care of you...
hugs, Julierose
The heat and humidity is getting to a lot of us. Playing with stacks of fabric and making a few blocks sounds perfect and that is all I'm doing too.
You weren't excited about working on the other projects because you had a better one to work on! I really like the charm square quilt. I bought some charm squares this year and was thinking of this type of quilt for them. Yours is beautiful.
I think summers are best enjoyed at a more leisurely pace if possible, especially in the heat and humidity we've been having. My little triangle quilt was one such project, just couldn't work up energy and enthusiasm to start the ditch quilting on the big one. Your squares and strips sound like a perfect project! The first one you did is gorgeous.
I agree--it's hard to get excited about much in this heat. I'm dragging through everything lately it seems (or worse, avoiding some things altogether, like weeding). I like going through the stash when that happens, too. Hope the fresh start on a new project does the trick!
Happy to see you were able to fix the problem with the quilt! I get where you're coming from with , possibly, the summer doldrums in relation to your quilting, I'm feeling the same but mine's because of the Winter weather, lots of rain and extremely cold! I've always loved you scrappy quilt using the 5" squares, very effective indeed and one which would probably suite my need at the moment for something not too complicated!
I like this pattern too and this will be another beauty. I need to reorganize my fabric closet. It's a lot of work, but worth the effort. You never know what you will discover.
This heat has been quite oppressive. I am finding difficulty getting motivated also.
Very humid here. I had to put my sewing away while we had a session of stopping over friends and relatives, last lot just gone - another coming on Wednesday - I need a holiday myself! But all systems go for the vegetables - I'm playing catchee upee with that and hindered by my guests, lovely but can't do it all. I feel a little cranky when I'm not playing with fabrics!
I think the random trips will never quite match up to your beauty on the header, and that's probably why you aren't too keen on it as you are comparing them - without realising it. But take a step back and you do have a wonderfully scrappy quilt - and that's what it's all about. If you do give it to someone then they'll still be delighted.
I totally get it when you say you are no longer in love with a particular unfinished quilt/quilts. I'm that way right now...wanted to finish a Calif. King quilt this year that I've been working on for years but I know now it's not going to happen this year. Every time I pull it out I'm not excited about it. Maybe this winter...
Woo-Hoo! I am excited about your plan for the 5" squares of floral with the batik narrow strips! The first blocks are looking very, very pretty.
I hit the summer sewing doldrums when it gets hot because we don't have air conditioning and our house becomes an oven. Even on cooler days, the iron will heat up the sewing studio, so I never last long. Most of my sewing gets done on the sew days at friends' houses that are air conditioned. I have several projects where I've finished the blocks and just don't have the motivation to get the tops sewn together. It always helps to have a deadline and none of these do, so there they sit. I'd rather sit and read then sit and sweat.
I'm glad you found a project to enjoy. This heat and humidity are horrid. We are still traveling and I am anxious to get home and sew! I'm afraid if it's still so hot, I might have the same doldrums that you are experiencing. I do like your 'new' pattern. Are you cutting the 5" squares in half or appliquéing the diagonal piece? The 2014 quilt is striking. ~Jeanne
Ripping is never fun. I had to do lots with the last paper pieced block I made. Glad you found a new project to make you happy.
When quilting is therapy (as your blog name implies--or rather, states), then you are right to pass over things that don't call to you right now. Creative outlets are for filling us with joy, not weighing us down, as you well know. You found something that is able to do that, and it looks like it will be another beauty. I look forward to seeing it come into being.
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