Our pantry closet is not large, but enough for us. The original shelves were just too deep to be really functional. So Sir Old Man took them down, and has cut the wire grids to 13'' from 18''.
That means food items were moved to the garage and dining room too.
The photo has the additional wood shelves in the bottom left corner. Sir Old Man devised shelves that are about 8'' deep that will go along the side of the closet . They will be cleated and have a metal hook attachment to keep them attached to the wire shelves.
The end result will be less wasted space, much more usable space, and nothing stacked on the floor!
The nail holes from the supports have been filled. And a couple of spills wiped up. Today will be the painting and prep for the shelves to be installed tomorrow----we hope.
On the design wall......
Wild Geese.......I have about 90 of these sewn. They were spilling out of the box, so up on to the design wall they go. The colors and prints are wild and varied. Just lots and lots of scraps and gifted fabric.
If I use this vertical setting, I think I need to use some solid gray (maybe) for the setting sashing. Gray should help unify and settle all the bold colors. I will play with a couple of other layouts over the next few days. Suggestions, and thoughts welcomed.
Giving thanks for a handy/capable/willing husband as he fulfills my wild ideas.
I think light value piano keys or horizontal scraps would look neat. Sometimes solid grey dulls down bright colors. Love the flying geese. What method did you use to make them?
Love your flying geese! If the gray doesn't work, maybe a navy or deep red or ???. Can't wait to see what you choose. Your pantry is going to be great. Happy Thanksgiving. ~Jeanne
Will you please send him my way when he finishes your pantry? Mine has super deep shelves and I hang a note on the inside door that says "what's back there", lol. Love the geese, I would try a dark blue if the grey doesn't work, it seems to work with bright colors adding a pop. Whatever you use they're going to be wonderful.
The pantry looks like a good "honey-do" project to me. Doesn't it feel good to get something that's been needing attention to taken care of? I love your flying geese. Grey would tone the bold colors down & black would make them POP. I vote for black sashing...but then that's just me.
Pantry looking good! Like Nicki I would love to see what black looks like with the geese.
Nothing wild about that idea, a functional kitchen leads to better meals for the carpenter in residence!
What a great project for the two of you. Too often closets and pantries are almost afterthoughts in house construction, really cutting back on their functionality.
I hope you will share photos of the completed pantry. I love re-dos.
A grey between the geese sounds good to me. I might be tempted to go with Navy blue, but that is the dark and dirty speaking. : )
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