Have you ventured down the rabbit's hole? You know the one I mean, don't you? Pinterest....it's a handy tool for inspiration for design ideas, or it can suck up your time and deplete your vision. I have shared many quilting hints, tips and finds on my Friday Finds posts. Readers asked how I found that....here's a few things I have learned/discovered along the way.
So where is the rabbit hole? When I click on a photo to pin to a board, it is isolated on my screen. A pop up window shows up for me to select the board to save the pin to. So I can save it and view any time later, and go visit the original source to get the details. This is a recent find.....improv birds from pieladyquilts blog.
Like a detective unraveling clues to the mystery, one pin leads to another and another. Ideas begin to appear and expand on the monitor. You save one and find another. Surprises happen, you find a better idea or unexpected solution.
I have a link button on the side bar or click here to my main page on Pinterest. Don't be afraid to try Pinterest or to set up your own boards. Just be smart in how you use it and don't stay down the rabbit hole too long. :)
There you have it....find some pins, search for ideas, and enjoy!
A quick update; Some of you offered prayers for my friend's daughter who was facing a double mastectomy and reconstruction surgery. I got an update email this morning that precious Carlin came thru 9 hours of surgery and over 500 stitches! She is beginning to walk and regain strength, and will have a follow up with doctors tomorrow. This amazing young wonder woman will hopefully be home by Thanksgiving. Thank you for the prayers.
Happy stitching.
- I ran across a couple of small wood working projects that I showed Sir Old Man. He said to save those......instead I had him create a new board for his pins. I also had him make it private, so only he or I can view. That will keep those pins from overwhelming my followers view with wood working ideas.

- But, you can also find and view other pins that may be related in description or subject, just by scrolling down the page. And that is where the rabbit hole begins.
Like a detective unraveling clues to the mystery, one pin leads to another and another. Ideas begin to appear and expand on the monitor. You save one and find another. Surprises happen, you find a better idea or unexpected solution.
- Follow people who like the things you do. I don't really follow a lot of pinners, but when I see some one that likes much of what I like, I follow the boards on their page that I have an interest in. If your taste/style change, just unfollow that board.
- Their pins will appear on your main feed. Of course you get some ads....hint, click on the small "x" of the ad and answer you don't like ads/or that they are offensive (the latest buzz word it seems). Lol....many disappear.

I have a link button on the side bar or click here to my main page on Pinterest. Don't be afraid to try Pinterest or to set up your own boards. Just be smart in how you use it and don't stay down the rabbit hole too long. :)
There you have it....find some pins, search for ideas, and enjoy!
A quick update; Some of you offered prayers for my friend's daughter who was facing a double mastectomy and reconstruction surgery. I got an update email this morning that precious Carlin came thru 9 hours of surgery and over 500 stitches! She is beginning to walk and regain strength, and will have a follow up with doctors tomorrow. This amazing young wonder woman will hopefully be home by Thanksgiving. Thank you for the prayers.
Happy stitching.
I don't do pinterest just don't need another computer distraction.
I have often thought of Pinterest and had the same thoughts as your previous commenter. However, after reading your brilliant description of how it all works I think I might like to try it!!
I spend (waste) way too much time on the computer already, so, I'm totally avoiding your rabbit hole. My cousin had a double mastectomy and reconstruction surgery (at the same time), in September. One of the many in my family/friends, that have been in the hospital this fall. Only one left in the hospital now (the baby) and hopefully he'll be out soon, too.
I don't do Pinterest since our internet is so limited here, not to mention my quilting time! But I can sure understand how it can be a real time drain!
Pinterest can be a creative help...or time waster. I try to stick to using it when I am eating lunch or something like that to limit the time. You have a lot of great images on your boards.
I've been down the rabbit hole many times, sometimes you've lead me there, LOL. I'm not real happy with the changes at pinterest, but we all knew they were going to find a way to make money. Pinterest and Instagram are the only social media I really do, I guess I just want pretty pictures :)
I've tried using Pinterest, but I'm not a regular. I don't do other social media. That's why I'm thankful for my favorite quilt bloggers like you. I spend enough time following my blogger friends, who sometimes lead the way down rabbit holes.
I came late to the rabbit hole and I try to keep it within bounds. I never go to my main feed and only use Pinterest to pin what I want to save. Don't really "follow" anyone. Just can't afford to donate more time to my computer--blogging is my limit. But I appreciate the links you share that I wouldn't have found on my own. Thanks for slipping into that rabbit hole for me. : )
I use Pinterest, mainly to post things I like to keep them organized where I can find them later. It is really a wonderful organizational tool. I follow some like-minded folks and know some follow my boards.
I had a double mastectomy last winter, but not reconstruction. It couldn't be done at the same time so I have opted, for now, not to have a second surgery. I have the option of changing my mind at any time. At my age it is less important to me than it would be to a younger person. So happy to hear your friend is due home from the hospital in time to give thanks for love and freedom from cancer. God bless.
oh YES I am addicted to Pinterest. I follow you!! Wish their were more hours in a day!
I love the star block in this post. Is this one of your blocks? I would love to make a quilt with blocks like these and am interested in where I might find the pattern or tutorial. Take care, Mary.
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