Over the weekend I finished up the binding on the place mat with plumes. I like the movement and texture on this one.
And the 9 patch blocks are coming together finally. I have 3 other sections like this to get sewn together next. So this is the main plan for March.....get the 9 patches sewn into a top. Then decide if I want border or not.
- Border, and get ready for the quilting!
- Pull quilts and wall hangings for the guild program I am scheduled to do in April.
- Prepare for the workshop to follow.
- Continue the Rainbow challenge blocks.
Health notes:
I had the appointment with the eye doctor yesterday. My vision has slightly improved from 4 months ago. His words were "Be aggressive with the B-12 therapy. Listen to your body and what it needs." He is a man I admire and respect. I had the impression he felt the doctors were being too slow to react to my needs.....I agree. The up and down of the B-12 levels wears me down. I sense that my body is trying to heal all the many areas and systems that have been affected, and so the B-12 needs are great. All this to say...shots are now weekly.....per me and Sir Old Man agrees. My saga is wearing him down.
Isn't the adage for March...in like a lion, out like a lamb? Temps are to be in the upper 70s today. Expecting huge storms across our region this evening, so after the dental appointment, we will hunker down. Tomorrow I will stay in and sew, promise! Happy stitching.
So glad you have a doctor that will be honest and advocate for you. It took me 20+ years to find someone who dealt with the migraines at the core and is passionate about treatment. It took a TMJ dentist to solve what a whole team of specialized neurologists said could not be done.
The bargello is so cool as you did it in a colorwash.
I am glad to hear that the B12 is working. I take a tablet daily and get a shot once a month. (luckily the tablets do work for me.)
We are expecting the rough weather also. (ugh)
Looking forward to seeing more of your 9-patch. Glad you've got a doc who will advocate for you. That makes such a difference. Hope the storms skip around you.
Your eye dr. sounds more tuned into nutrition and the whole body's needs. I think being aggressive with the B-12 sounds like the right way to go. Hopefully your vision and energy will both improve as the weather gets nicer. I hope the storms calm down some before they get to you. They were really racing across our area last night.
Nice job on the placemat!
And you have made good progress on the 9-patch top.
The bargello is stunning!
I'm glad there is at least one doctor in your corner. Hope things continue to mend. I do keep you in my prayers, Debbie!
Love all your projects, but the floral bargello is awesome. Listen to your body and needs sweetie.
It's always a mystery to me the route we must take to find the right health advocate for our situation. Sounds like your eye doctor is the one to follow. Stay safe tonight.
Sounds like you are ready for March. I got a baby quilt made in February & have some charity sewing in store for March. Love what you are doing with the bargello & the place mat is a real beauty. I've fallen in love with all your plumes.
Hoping the weekly B12 shots will steady things out for you Debbie. Lovely to see your floral bargello again.
We had the storms on Tuesday (tornadoes not too far from us). Nothing done that night, other than watch the weather. Keep up the B-12. Glad things are getting better, even if is slowly.
You still amaze me. You have such a positive attitude and you are getting so much done now. I love seeing all your work, all so different and so beautiful.
Here's wishing you a happy and healthy March, with plenty of quilting!
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