We had a great visit and Sir Old Man had some help in the garden for weeding and thinning plants. That is until he was swarmed by wasps! That pretty much squashed his day with about 6 stings on his arm. So he was brought inside, treated with Benedryl, and ice packs. He is much better this morning.
So I haven't done a lot of sewing.....but a lot of fabric came my way.
Sir Old Man brought in the mail a couple of days ago. He came down the hall asked if I had ordered some fabric. I said, No. He then asked if I was expecting some fabric. Again, I replied no. With a grin he presented me with a fully stuffed, absolutely stuffed to the gills, priority mail envelope. Well, he told me, I think you got some anyway. I am sorry I did not take a photo of the envelope. And right now, I can't get the phone to transmit photos of the fabric.....have no idea what is up with that. Sometimes I hate technology.
But let's just say, 5 pounds of fabric is a lot.....probably 10+ yards easy. And of course, it is all older floral fabrics....from VIP and Cranston, and early Hoffman....probably from the 90s. Some one had a clean out/de-stash and I was the gifted one. Thanks, to Cheryl at Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting for passing on her de-stash. And since it is more than I can use.....I have a couple of people in mind to pass some on to. :) Happy stitching.

I have my cousins coming by to spend the day Friday, so I need to do some food prep tomorrow. I always enjoy their visit.
Fabric packages are the best mail. Our house has it backwards- the cat who lives here has us as his emotional support people. Needy cat- like a football linebacker that never grew up. He was abandoned at a week old at the local shelter where we adopted him months later.
Um, it's usually 3-4 yards of quilting cotton per pound so 5 pounds would be 15-20 yards.
Aren't some family visits the best? Sad that Sir Old Man was stung but sounds like you took care of it. Cheryl's a sweetheart - hope you can use some of the fabric; I do like regifting when I'm not going to use it. Piper looks like a sweetie and I love her quilt. Did you make it? ~Jeanne
That quilt with the dog is really pretty, and so is the fabric you were gifted. It will be fun to watch what you do with it. ---"Love"
A family visit and a squishy (or maybe not so squishy since there was so much in it) package. Sounds lovely - except for those nasty wasps.
How nice it is to receive unexpected packages of things you absolutely love. Piper looks so content on her quilt that you made for her. Poor Sir Old Man really took a beating with 6 wasps stings. Those wasps hurt much more than an ordinary honey bee. Glad he's doing better.
Have fun sorting & cutting up your "new" stash!
Surprise fabric packages are the best! Like Christmas in June :) I hope Sir Old Man's stings don't bother him for too long. 6 from wasps sounds awful!
6 stings! Wasps are so warlike. Finding threats where there are none. I want to pet piper, great name! lucky you to get a surprise of many different fabrics.
OUCH! I hope his stings are better. Have fun with the fabric.
Piper is a real cutie, just looking at her is calming. Beautiful destash fabrics from your friend. Enjoy your weekend!
Looks like that surprise package contained some fun florals that you should be able to put to good use. Enjoy!
I've been on the road this month and once again am behind on commenting. I love Piper and his quilt. Didn't know dogs like sweet potatoes.
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